An Invitation To Open Your Mind To A New Horizon

1 When it comes to religious beliefs, humankind blocks themselves from ideas other than what one was taught, mostly out of fear of sin or blasphemy over what one has been taught.

2 It is very similar to someone being born blind, and for the first time, sight comes from, let’s say, surgery. When the person starts seeing, someone may teach what is pretty or ugly, good or bad. The person receives such belief indiscriminately for not having a preconceived idea, much like the child believing everything that is being taught.

3 If someone contradicts what once was taught, resistance takes over, and the lack of ability to reinterpret such an image gets distorted upon one’s doubt. Upon doubt, the fear of losing what was once acquired as knowledge makes the person refrain from changing the preconceived idea for fear of losing the complacency one had with society for so long.

4 It is like the fear of learning that one must let go and hold on to something else. That fear of letting go creates a high level of doubt and uncertainty. It is not until after it has been overly corroborated repeatedly that the person begins to let go of what once held so firmly and move to new ideas.

5 That conflictive environment is utterly abundant among humanity when they start questioning their current ideology they were subjected to and is no longer making sense today.

6 This must be understood through compassion, understanding how the healing factor sets in and how someone sees things in other ways. One must understand the power struggle within the human mind.

7 I do not mean to impose the absolute, but instead extend an invitation to expand your mind and give way to new ideas so people can find within those new ideas the possible answers one may have been looking for so long, and the individual, in due time, could grant oneself the opportunity to explore new horizons and realize that there is leeway to see life in a different way from what has been taught from the beginning.

8 Once the person acknowledges the said possibility, one can become free to think differently and see the beauty of the inner world that is much greater than the limited physical world that is currently known now and in this phase of spiritual evolution. This is an invitation to open your mind to a new horizon.

End of Transcript T120217070911

This Higher Truth from The Collective Forces of Knowledge and Wisdom is being received, perceived and transcribed by Francisco Valentín.

Copyright © Francisco Valentín All Rights Reserved. This material may only be shared from this original website. This material may not be published, broadcasted, rewritten or redistributed in any other way without written approval by Francisco Valentin or his legal successor(s). Infringement of this copyright act will be enforced to the full extent of the law.

Truth is One; interpretations many.
— Transcript —

“It is not from what you learn but from what you put into practice that makes you advance”Transcript

Help me spread these words among your loved ones, relatives and friends. Simply say:
“Look what I found in the internet—see if it makes sense to you.” That’s all I ask.

And remember the last words from The First Transcript:

“We are one, and as you help me, you advance”— First Transcript

Thank you for sharing time with me.
Francisco Valentín
Author, publisher and custodian of The Transcripts

Note: All Transcripts have been written without formal but limited editing. The beauty lies in the imperfection of its content, which keeps the integrity and original intent intact as the abstract is transcribed through the perceptive mind of the transcriber. Further editing may alter the original intent, thus, leading to misinterpretation. No one shall interpret to others the true intent embedded in each Transcript, for no one knows the original intent other than the original transcriber, Francisco Valentín. Any word(s) written in parenthesis “( )” means that the transcriber chose to clarify said a preceding word, sentence, or phrase by further explaining the true intent following said word. Example: vehicle (car)

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