1 My ego does not let me see your ego, and your ego does not allow you to see my ego. However, I can see your ego when I get out of my ego.
2 When I leave my ego behind, I can see your true ego without blinds. And so it is with life.
3 One cannot truly understand others unless one puts oneself in the place of the other and reach out to that person.
4 Leaving your ego behind to see someone else’s determines your ability to put yourself in someone else’s shoes and see how it is and feels. See? It’s like incarnating in someone else briefly—just briefly—and experiencing how they feel.
5 If we do that with our fellow human beings and animals as one, it would become easy to see our own ego, which is the one that has kept us alive (and blinded) on this plane of understanding. You see?
6 And yes, one needs ego to keep moving. But that ego cannot be allowed to run your life because that ego is the one that impacts our understanding of the essence of life.
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