The Limitations of The Self
T120801184545 1 Each person understands their reality is their reality, seeking balance between what is and what is not within their plane, within their essence. 2 That's why many have their own way of thinking and attract others in the way they seek to attract them....
Latest Direct Message from the Collective Forces of Knowledge and Wisdom
T230921070021 1 Once you understand the true nature of your essence and the reason for your existence, you will comprehend how you came to be within the animal kingdom. 2 That is when you will become just (fair) to others, respectful, worthy of helping, sharing,...
I Just Received A Message From The CFKW
T230108053001 1 To those who believe there are no accidents in life, that everything in life has been pre-arranged. If that is the case: What are you living for? Why think you are making decisions when you claim that you are not? What are you then…..a puppet? 2 No!...
How To Avoid Conflicts
T120727131541 1 Intervention takes place when I tell you what's wrong with you, and you tell me what's wrong with me. I will tell you what's wrong with you based on my understanding of right and wrong, while you tell me what's wrong with me based on your understanding...
Have you ever wondered what lies ahead?
If you begin to wonder if there’s something else other than what we have been taught for it to be; if you wonder if there is something you’ve been missing, or if you want to remember what you never forgot in the first place,...