Divine vs Humanitarian Intervention


1 A good way to grasp the concept of sorcery and its amulets is through your understanding of what is known as ‘magic.’ Some sorcerers need amulets, while others are far superior and do not need amulets to perform their deeds.

2 It’s like pretending to have a (*)third person or object that comes into existence to visualize or identify with someone or something more powerful who materializes what they want just by fulfilling the desired intention.

3 It’s like when someone prays to a saint through an image for one’s wishes to manifest. If it does manifest, credit is given to that saint, and one’s devotion comes into play. That is when the person identifies with its creation through his own understanding and thus shapes it and spreads the word. Others, believing in the power of the figurine and proving themselves through the evidence that it is shown, continue to spread the word, and the masses enter into idolatry of such.

4 For example, observe how the Virgin Mary has been venerated through (*)Catholicism. The Virgin Mary has become multiple Virgins, such as Our Lady of Fatima, Our Lady of Sorrows, and Our Lady of this or that, according to each community locals. Likewise, many have created and worshiped the image of the baby Jesus so that he could fulfill their wishes. See?

5 This is only one example from Catholicism. If you take it to other cultures, you will find more of the same: For instance, the idolatry of the many images and artifacts depicting the Buddha.

6 FV—Could we say the same over the existence of spirits and visions people claim to have had?

7 CFKW—I cannot answer you about this one at this (*)moment, but I can tell you of mediums who have a conscious understanding of what spirits are and how they manifest. Through rituals, they attract those vibrations and allow them to manifest with the living—alleged dead ones—as they perceive the vibration of those individualities that keep attached to their next of kin (those in the physical plane) and their relationship with the self.

8 For instance, if your individuality is intertwined with those that you left behind, as an individual and within your individuality, you would want to keep existing in spirit form, just as the soul is—a manifestation of the self—where you can see that the soul is, in itself, the creator of what surrounds the individual being. That IS a manifestation—energy that has been densified in a way that takes form.

9 And if you want to hold on to that desire, you will manifest because you have your individuality. So, you would want to intervene, in spirit form, just as every other being does, by giving advice and opinions, imparting knowledge, and inspiring others in physical life form.

10 If you understand that by staying still and going with the flow of the creative forces, you will cease the desire to create, then you become at peace with yourself. But if you desire to make things your way, this will ultimately make you suffer when you see that things don’t come your way.

11 They will manifest either way; action and reaction, cause and effect, are constantly moving, creating, and evolving. Just the mere fact that you open your eyes and get out of bed creates a movement. The moment you do anything that creates a movement, you start the cycle once again.

12 Just the mere act of diverting the air as you cross its path and creating a ripple of water as you touch it starts a chain reaction as trillions upon trillions of individualities within you do the same at a given moment and time. Your diminutive movement starts that chain of events that manifest and unfold before you, and just the fact that you are here creates, evolves, and revolves into what creation is.

13 FV—So what is it for me to do?

14 CFKW—You have to unfold what you created the previous day. You have to see life on a one-to-one and daily basis, what you do and have to undo daily, so you can (*)move.

15 If you live life without thinking about this, by doing things because you want to, getting drawn by desires, attractions, and aversions, you keep unfolding new karma for yourself—good or bad, it does not matter; it is karma, action, reaction, manifestation, movement.

16 FV—What then is it to do?

17 CFKW—There is nothing to do about it right now other than move in the right direction: Don’t harm others. Don’t do to others what you don’t want others to do to you. Love your neighbor as you love yourself. How many times has this been told? In how many ways? How can people finally get this into their heads? Don’t harm (*)others, go with the flow, understand everyone’s personal situations, and help them create balance within themselves.

18 You ask: (*)How can we accomplish that in this cruel world? Well, this is your path, your choice. Don’t blame others for your choices; understand yourself, forgive yourself, and above all, stop doing what you are doing if you are harming yourself and others. That is it! That’s all you need to do for now. You see?

19 People have to do their jobs and their duties. As they are bound to this Earth, there are rules to follow, laws to obey, and work to do. People do what they have to do. That is perfectly understood.

20 While doing all that is good, you manifest in good ways. You have to do your bidding as you manifest but do it right. Don’t be greedy; be humble, and do not harm others by trying to help so they do not face their own path.

21 For instance, to the drug addict, bring a little help and see if that works. But if not, do not keep giving because you want to advance your spiritual growth. It does not work that way.

22 When you do more harm than good, even as you do it out of ignorance, it still hurts; it is still not good. Somehow, deep inside, everyone knows what is right and wrong, and even though they don’t know that they are doing harm, sooner or later, they will be faced with that truth. Then, they will have to embrace what comes to them for their wrongdoings.

23 FV—How do they know what’s good and wrong?

24 CFKW—People do have a conscience. People have a way of knowing. In this earth-plane, things need to make sense. You have to analyze, give form through your thoughts, and don’t blindly do things without knowing what the outcome could be.

25 Think about what you are doing or about to do, see and foresee the possible outcome, see and foresee the consequence of your actions (or inaction), see the environment you are creating with what you are doing, and if, in reality, and in essence, you are doing good and you are not, through intervention, harming others, then move on with what you are doing.

26 But if, on the contrary, you find out that what you do or are about to do, at the end of the road, in the long run, does not help others other than yourself, you are not doing good—you are doing wrong and doing harm. That can be seen everywhere.

27 Let me give you one example: Let’s say you go to a remote village in Africa and see the people and children walking barefoot. You feel sorrow for seeing them barefooted, as you feel privileged to wear shoes. You visualize yourself wearing no shoes and think about how it would feel if you were to be walking barefooted in that environment for long.

28 Your emotions come from your own experience of walking barefoot in your life. You then amplify your discomfort tenfold, believing that being out there and walking for that long period would do you more harm than good. Your compassion towards others makes you buy shoes and give them away, thinking you are doing good.

29 However, you lack understanding that this person without shoes has much stronger feet than yours. The skin layers he has built through the years give him a much stronger sole than you would with your new shoes.

30 By making him wear those shoes, you do harm in two ways. One is that the shoe wearer will create a dependency on a shoe as his own sole softens from wearing the shoe. Two, the shoe sole will eventually wear down, and new shoes would be needed to replace the worn-down shoes if he continues the trend.

31 Once you are gone, you leave the shoe wearer with a new problem: In the absence of a new pair of shoes, he will have to undergo the painful process of growing layer after layer of new soles once again.

32 Your compassionate heart has just created a new karma in the life of the newly shoe-wearer, who is left with either a new desire to have new shoes, additional suffering for wanting and not having new shoes, or having to regenerate a stronger sole. Instead of bringing a solution, you brought a new problem.

33 This example should not lead you to let people starve to death or let someone go through pain and suffering and look the other way. Out of true compassion, you can save someone’s life and extend their time so that they can strive and unfold their karma.

34 Through some interventions, you could save a life or feed people experiencing poverty, but be wary because you can create dependency. Instead of helping, you may be doing more harm if dependency takes place.

35 Give a hand with money for the needed, if ever needed, because you can also create dependency and do more harm than good. As an old proverb says: Give food to the hungry, and you will feed one for a day; teach how to grow food, and you will feed many for a lifetime.

36 The same principle for giving away money applies to physical intervention. Be wary of why you do what you do by helping others.

37 If you are helping others out of the free will to do good, ensure everyone on your path learns the lesson and why you are helping. Otherwise, you are just delaying the learning process. That simple.

38 Let me give you another example: Take, for instance, that you give away money to help someone. Once you create such dependency, there is no way out. You now create new suffering because this person now counts on your money to make ends meet. And the moment you refrain from giving money away, you create new karma and suffering. See how it works?

39 We can apply this principle to everything in life. You may try to justify everything that is and exists within your realm of reality, but find out and be wary because your reality may not be someone else’s reality. How you see life is not necessarily the way others see life, and the solutions in life are not the same for everyone. Everyone has their own path and must go through their own judgment day.

40 It is through love and compassion that we help one another. But for that, you need to define compassion. Compassion is defined by your ability to understand how things unfold. And love is just pure respect.

41 If I love you, it is because I respect you, not because I want you, or because you make me feel loved, or because you make me feel an emotion that helps me one way or the other. That is not love. Love is: I honor and respect you and will help you understand the process of life.

42 Life is all about: You meet yourself in different ways, aspects, and forms. Opposed to one’s dependency leading to another, and another, and another.

End of Transcript 120727132047

Article 2—Implies deification (create a deity) or ammulet.
Article 4—This example, coming from Catholicism, is shown before me to help me understand certain aspects based on the belief I was indoctrinated with and, thus, help me comprehend what otherwise would have been hard for me to grasp.
Article 7— This was answered in another Transcript but was not to be part of this session at this time.
Article 14—To ‘move’ implies to transcend, progress, or advance.
Article 17—’Others’ implies all creatures and the ecosystem we all share.
Article 18—”And you ask.” This is an example of how the CFKW can read my mind.

This Higher Truth from The Collective Forces of Knowledge and Wisdom is being received, perceived and transcribed by Francisco Valentín.

Copyright © Francisco Valentín All Rights Reserved. This material may only be shared from this original website. This material may not be published, broadcasted, rewritten or redistributed in any other way without written approval by Francisco Valentin or his legal successor(s). Infringement of this copyright act will be enforced to the full extent of the law.

Truth is One; interpretations many.
— Transcript —

“It is not from what you learn but from what you put into practice that makes you advance”Transcript

Help me spread these words among your loved ones, relatives and friends. Simply say:
“Look what I found in the internet—see if it makes sense to you.” That’s all I ask.

And remember the last words from The First Transcript:

“We are one, and as you help me, you advance”— First Transcript

Thank you for sharing time with me.
Francisco Valentín
Author, publisher and custodian of The Transcripts

Note: All Transcripts have been written without formal but limited editing. The beauty lies in the imperfection of its content, which keeps the integrity and original intent intact as the abstract is transcribed through the perceptive mind of the transcriber. Further editing may alter the original intent, thus, leading to misinterpretation. No one shall interpret to others the true intent embedded in each Transcript, for no one knows the original intent other than the original transcriber, Francisco Valentín. Any word(s) written in parenthesis “( )” means that the transcriber chose to clarify said a preceding word, sentence, or phrase by further explaining the true intent following said word. Example: vehicle (car)

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