1 (FV) I am the messenger. I get a feeling, which becomes an emotion. I translate that emotion into a thought and then transcribe it into words. That is how I receive the information and pass it on to others to understand how things are (?)
2 (CFKW) The messenger, oftentimes, does not fully understand the message since he feels it is unrelated to him at the time.
3 (After a long pause) At present, having a mild headache that causes discomfort is a message that something is wrong, a message where the body hurts because something wrong happened— alcohol consumption.
4 It does harm to the body. It doesn’t do the body well because alcohol disturbs the senses, disturbs the metabolic system, and hurts the brain.
5 The message is easy to understand, but people ignore it and repeat the same mistake over and over again until the body takes its toll.
This is today’s message: Do the body good because the body is the temple of the mind, the spirit, the soul.
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