1 Here, the question arises: If I cease to exist because I let myself go free from attachments and desires, am I nothing without desires and attachments?
2 That is what keeps one holding on to pleasures and desires from life. Life on itself is a desire (like when people say)— “I want to be alive, I want to live!” You see?
3 That is a desire on itself: (by people thinking)—”If I let go of that desire, I’m nothing. I don’t want to be nothing; I want to be something!“
4 That’s the problem; when someone wants to be (something.) Do you want to keep being alive being something because you want to do something?
5 Isn’t that a thought? Wanting to do something because you want to be something? Isn’t it “doing” and action responding to a thought?
6 By being nothing, you become everything. If you are a thought, and by everything being a thought, you want to go back to our origin, then you are a thought, and by being nothing, you become everything.
7 But by ceasing to exist as you are, and insisting on being yourself, your attachment to ‘what is’ gets compromised. You don’t want to get compromised because of your desire to be alive (as you know it). You see?
8 So here is the predicament: Living life is holding on to something, but at the same time, life is a thought. Life is none other than you creating a thought that creates a thought to create another thought, and another and another.
9 Therefore, your thought in itself is your essence. And if something is your essence, that essence is you; therefore, you are thought. That’s how you go back to the thought itself of being selfless in form. You see?
10 So, do you want to be, or do you not want to be?
11 And if you want to be what you don’t want to be, and as you go through that life cycle, that everlasting cycle, you find yourself in a dead-end wanting to be what you don’t want to become, the question remains: What do you want to be?
12 FV—A thought.
13 CFKW—That IS a thought. So, you don’t want to be what you want to be? You see? That is a predicament—a true and real, very real predicament. And as you are a thought, you don’t die because you are alive.
14 But you want to do something! You don’t want to be doing nothing!
You see? You don’t want to be here or there doing nothing because you will always be something—a thought.
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