1 In dreams, one has experiences one does not remember, but the soul remains with the feeling, teaching, and experience.
2 With that experience, even if one does not remember, one lives and responds; and what has been learned is learned.
3 The reaction comes when one responds upon waking up and how one relates to the emotions and attachments.
4 That means that in dreams, one continues with one’s fears and attachments, and the spirit continues to experience desire.
5 And as desire is experienced, one acts and reacts regardless of whether one remembers it or not, as it is part of the process, the development, and the experience, even without the physical body because the body is only a tool to consciously experience everything one experiences while in one’s dreams.
6 But that experience, while under sleep, takes form and the soul experiences it, not through matter but in consciousness. In fact, although not yet remembering, the soul learns from that experience.
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