T 120413070201
1 That is why it is said that with God, everything is possible— because as you identify yourself with THAT which takes you to where you want to go, it gives you the strength, energy, and desire to create everything that is needed to give strength to that thought.
2 That is why God is a thought. Because that thought leads you to the thought that everything is possible. You see?
3 Without the identity and identification one has with God, one stops moving and goes into anguish. That’s where one has to be careful with oneself; not to go to that place that many call darkness, which is none other than the lack of movement, as a simile for not moving.
4 FV—How can one seek true happiness within this new line of thought?
5 CFKW—Knowing that life and essence are one. Movement. You choose how to think. And if while thinking you think of the good of your movement with the understanding that while you move you live—you have life—understanding that your essence is life and that life is movement… and that life is understanding that everything around you is also movement searching from within its movement, then you come into peace with yourself knowing that movement is what keeps you alive.
6 Alive, not at a physical level, but alive at a collective level. And within the collectivity, individuality. And as you find the collectivity, know that you are One in thought, mode, and form. Then everything that surrounds you keeps being you, your own self. You see?
End of Transcript T 120413070201