T 120511072404
1 Following the path is like you wanting to be educated, or to experience an adventure. For instance, your next-door neighbor may want to have a vacation or experience an adventure up in the mountains. That would be a different path from yours. Who are you to judge? Why get upset because you want to go to the beach and he wants to go to the mountains.
2 You do not get upset because deep inside, you understand you would also enjoy going to the mountains, although you may not be fond of it and rather spend some vacation time on the beach.
3 Why can’t we do the same when we see someone experiencing life in a different way than we would do? Why the need to impose through thinking and judging? Someone’s decision is their own decision. How would it affect you other than your ego telling you, “I know this is the right way, and he is going the word way.”(?)
4 There is no right or wrong, but a different path, a different route, a different adventure, a different vacation. You see? We spend our lives judging the way things should be, based on our own experiences and the way we conceive knowledge of what is and what is not, not knowing that such preconceive knowledge may come from previous life experiences. Otherwise, there would be no knowledge if it wouldn’t be because of an experience.
5 We deny the existence of previous life experiences because we have been taught not to take them into consideration because they are non-existent. We have been taught that this life is all there is and your experiences are based on childhood emotions and experiences that you may not relate to, but they are.
6 How can you otherwise conceive that someone has an inner ability to play a musical instrument while his sibling does not have a clue about rhythm? Likewise, how can you explain a child being proficient in a sport while his sibling cannot even catch a ball? Some may argue that genes have everything to do with it but no. Rather, it is just about previous life experiences.
7 One’s own path is the individual need to experience life in a different form, by design or choice based on the experience they must profess in life.
8 Religion is the most influential when it comes to a chosen path. It dictates how one person should think and feel about his or her relation to a deity and others. It sets some rules, limitations, and ways of thinking. It does not let the soul express itself in the most expanded way possible to accomplish what needs to be accomplished and move forward, or inwards, I should say.
9 That doesn’t mean that without religion one can do everything one wants. It is the act of choosing to search for your origin that leads you to your true path.
10 I am not demeaning religion. What I’m saying is that one has to look for oneself, put aside any preconceived ideas, and re-evaluate whether said path is the one that serves you best.
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