Insights Unveiled: Self, Spirituality, and Global Challenges


1 FV—Who is she (my wife) if not a part of me that doesn’t understand itself, that wants to understand itself but seeks to do so through another human being?

2 CFKW— Each one wants to do the same thing that you want to do. And if everyone wants to do the same thing you want to do, who is oneself if not the conglomeration of all those others?

3 It is unparalleled confusion. We want to understand ourselves, but we do not understand ourselves. We do not want to understand ourselves because they are them, and we are us—they are over there, and we are over here. That’s why humanity doesn’t fully understand itself.

4 FV—For my part, in my individuality, I want to know who that other ‘I’ is that exists in my current partner. 

5 CFKW——You see? That’s why, in reality, on a spiritual level, everything is the same: It’s oneself finding oneself. First, the directive was given, as is well known, to create a family to share with one another in such a way that it opens the path for all those souls to enter this (*)small world created by ourselves. You see?

6 Those are the souls that do not yet have a body but existent in thought form, seeking to materialize in such a way that they can experience all that is creation. You see

7 (*)The notion of creation keeps you from sensing and feeling the emotion. How much of creation truly neither interests nor moves you? No matter what name is given, it simply doesn’t move you. You see?

8 The true relationship is the one where you, within yourself, whether in the masculine or feminine (*)version, find yourself. That is what movement implies—allowing oneself to be with oneself.

9 Whether considered an aberration or finding a difference between the emotions of men and women—all of that is just a display of outburst: The complaint is the emotion that distances one from experiencing all of this and that. The experience of oneself with oneself is no different from the relationship with oneself with its opposite. You see?

10 That’s where relationships come in, where one searches for oneself. And when one clashes with one’s partner, one begins to distance oneself. But if one confronts it, one changes it, and in its counterpart, which is nobleness, seeks manifestation to take place. You see?

11 All of this is a message of peace so that you realize it is no longer a matter of being a man or a woman; (*) overpopulation needs to be addressed.

12 (*)The spirit has sought to find itself by pausing in its search for answers. It explores the opposite of its nature to allow the population to diminish, aiming to establish balance in an overly congested world.

13 There are many of those involved here. It continues to populate through earthly manifestation, giving space and opportunity for new souls to be born along the same path that keeps attaching them to this earth plane. They continue to move and multiply themselves, depleting everything that has been placed at the mercy of creation in its balance, in its state of being, to create a balance of all its parts—incarnated souls—because there is much to work with and focus on the peace we must seek with ourselves.

14 (CFKW addressing to me): When you channel, you enter where your thoughts are connected to all those many counterparts of everyone who once existed and who remain souls, because the soul never dies. The soul is like an expression of energy, like a spark taken from the (*)creator. You see?

15 These souls want to co-exist in this environment. That’s why they enter into thoughts like this, like mine, right now, bringing a message of peace, that there be peace, that people understand each other, and in the rational part of creation as to why the relationship between oneself and their counterpart exists, and to now choose to change oneself to seek balance in creation. You see?

16 This message is like the one from those who once sought ‘peace and love,’ urging us to seek each other out, multiply, and keep multiplying. But this occasion, in these times, is about seeking peace, love, and awareness. You see?

17 All those deluded in the idea where multiplying themselves was the means… The means for what? The more they inhabit the earthly plane, the more that must be taken back. Don’t you understand?

18 (*)Wanting more and more expands the burden to return to where we belong, to what is ours: That relationship within each of us where you relate to yourself and find yourself within yourself, deeply, as if the external body were the black and the internal body were the white; where, as you keep removing more darkness is taken away from that gray that begets it, it keeps purifying and purifying in the very center of the body as if it were a small sphere becoming brighter and brighter; where the definition of white keeps increasing as the compound number of ideas that have no end; where, the brighter it feels, the less density is found, and it unifies and feels as One, feeling oneself as One within the most significant and powerful being called God—which is the energy, the sensation of all this in a splendor of light, which is the very energy of the creation of life itself, whom many call God. Whom they personify, give life and form to something so powerful that it doesn’t even need that at all.

19 That is God: The understanding of what everything is, centered in the energy of life within itself, where one finds oneself among the whitest (brightest) of the whitest, of the whitest, of the whitest—The meaning of purity: freeing oneself from everything that binds and creates destitution; what is called vanity.

20 This is a message for humanity through this body (FV) that has been made available to do so. His spirit moves aside to make room for all this to be translated and given back to humanity so that they can understand everything that needs to be understood. See? Neither good nor bad—just to be comprehended. See? And the message is shown here in his earnestness.

21 FV—And why through this channel?

22 CFKW—It is simply a mode of expression to be able to understand one another. (*)Man searches and does not find because he does not know how to search. He has never known how to search; he always seeks the external instead of looking within, which is the source of all that is external. Just as your eyesight can see something up close but not from afar, and others can see at a distance, while others can see from even further away, and so on, until they seek (*)external instruments that can increase the reflection of what can be seen. And as one continues searching, one can see farther and farther in the futile attempt to find that which is abstract.

23 (*)That which we call ‘that’ will always remain as ‘that’ because it can never be ‘this,’ for in order to be ‘this,’ one must stop being all ‘that.’ When one is ‘that,’ one cannot be ‘this.

24 The man keeps searching and will never find—it is only within oneself that the origin of everything is found: It is within oneself.

25 This body (FV) is granted to manifest creation in all the aspects given. That is why some have talents and others do not, and what is a talent for one, for another it is not in the futile attempt to understand all that is this and that.

26 One inhabits a body and experiences what (*)emotion and all the senses in relation to creation is, and it dilutes within itself through understanding, and it ages because it loses energy as it grasps the truth of all this and all that, even if one does not want to understand it.

27 Understanding is always happening inwardly, and whoever walks in rebellion with the (*)external does not necessarily carry negative energy within because everything is a movement between good and bad, light and dark—always in constant motion. One must understand that creation and man have nothing to do with the spiritual world. You see?

28 And that is where spirituality comes in: Saints, demons, all seeking to identify themselves, and in creation, just as (*)man was (*)created, likewise, beings are formed in other realms. They carry remnants of what they once were, reflected in the energetic burdens each body holds within itself according to their life experiences.

29 They call it Karma, when each of those energies from past lives must be ‘untangled’ within themselves and release the burden of everything that has been done: The good and the bad. You see?

30 There is much good, and there is much bad. People focus on the bad, but there is a lot of good in one’s Karma, from physical beauty to the internal within. You see? And karmically, this is where errors come into the physical body or within. That’s why defects (imperfections) are created, balancing the burdens as part of what has to be fulfilled due to the complexity of what once was.

31 It’s important to understand the reasons for the issues in the body and the system. Much of it comes from self-abuse, failing to recognize that one is both the body and the self.

32 Other imperfections are karmic because, in the proverbial ‘can of worms,’ as it’s called, the imbalance that creates errors—both genetic and spiritual—intertwines to create a new balance, and thus, men, through their body, manifests himself—some with their errors, others with their privileges, from the one born without arms or legs to the one who excels through sports. You see? It’s a distribution of gifts, aspects of man, where the spirit desires to manifest itself according to its experiences of what it has wanted and had to do. You see?

33 When encountering errors, one becomes confused and doesn’t know where and how they were created. Remember, much of it is the creation of man due to his abuse of the body or the environment that surrounds him, which is part of each human being’s own decision to live in one type of environment or another.

34 FV—And what role does intervention play here?

35 CFKW—Ah! The intervention of one person with another is nothing more than the desire of: ‘Good, let him suffer—he deserves it,’ or that other one who says: ‘Let him suffer no more because he no longer deserves it.’ And then there is the one who judges, claiming that it is due to Karma, or because of this, or that it is created. Thus, they identify it as Karma. You see?

36 That’s why there is judgment from those who say: ‘Good, let him pay, he deserves it.’ And those who say: ‘No, let him suffer no more.’ You see?

37 That is intervention—judging—whether to let him suffer or to stop his suffering, that is the intervention. One must allow people to manifest themselves and find their truth and reality. Those who push things to happen according to their desires and preferences are the ones who need to stop that force and let it manifest. You see? … let it manifest.

38 Each person, each individual, will see manifesting oneself and understand at one’s own level, while others, through their intervention, seek to accelerate the process, seeking judgment of what they want it to be rather than allowing it to be as it needs to be for the movement to flow. 

39 (*)When you close your eyes and have nothing in your mind, this is the world in which you exist. The eyes are the (*)mirror that you open. All this is creation. When you open your eyes, that is the mirror of everything you do and how you manifest in the creation of all this.

40 When you open your eyes and see yourself in that mirror of all that is creation, you seek to find yourself. But those who lack the sense of sight are in this material world without the ability to have that mirror and cannot see what is materializing. Thus, by being blind, one feels through touch, smell, sound, and taste, except through the mirror of all this, which remains manifestation, remains creation, and remains a state of density where everything manifests through the senses, which is the sole purpose of matter’s existence.

41 It was a creation—a (*)human invention, in a spiritual state, almost falling into the physical through the soul in its desire to seek density, where (**)Adam and Eve represent the soul. See?

42 (*)God—the creation. And as the creator, He had to create and manifest what was soul, what became soul-seeking density. That soul, the first soul, was (**)Adam and Eve.

43 FV—Why two? (Adam and Eve.)

44 CFKW—Because for one to exist, its opposite had to exist. One cannot exist without its counterpart—duality—in short. You see?

45 This division is nothing but yourself with and without the mirror. When you close your eyes, you are still yourself. That’s why, even when your eyes are open or closed, the mind seeks to create without the mirror.

46 But when you open your eyes, the attempt to create, experience, and feel all this keeps you alive with the desire to keep your eyes open. To keep the eyes open, there must be a body to mechanically create a vision, just like with the rest of the senses.

47 Aside from vision, let’s talk about the other senses. How would the world and its expression be without touch if there were no sense of touch? It would feel different… right? It would feel very different without the sense of touch.

48 Smell—a world without the ability to smell—what would it mean to you? You see? Manifestation: Taste, smell, sound… a deaf world. How would the expression of creation be represented without that aspect of itself? This is why blind people, those who are deaf, and those who lack the sense of smell or speech are born to express creation in a world where none of that exists. You see? Expression!

49 Never, but never should one feel less than another for having such ‘defects’ within creation. Be proud to be one of the few who, at this moment, at a spiritual level, have the desire to express what the world and creation are without some of those senses and learn to manifest creation: Respect, understand, and appreciate all those other senses of creation.

50 Know that by not having a particular sense enhances the rest of the senses, making that individual more sensitive to any other of their desired senses—expressing, harmonizing, with greater intensity, compensating for the lack of the other sense. You see?

51 Let them know what it feels like to have that sense so that the value of that sense is honored even in its absence, but go further—much further—and feel pride in having the remaining senses, fully alive with more energy than most of us who are dealing with five at a time. You see?

52 Let’s say you have four senses. You are far ahead with the remaining four compared to them. And if you have three, you will have more power over those remaining senses. You see?

53 And if you are missing four—great power you have with the fifth sense. So much that you won’t believe you have made it through, and still eager to excel and succeed with that one sense that you have within to express what life is, with only one sense out of those who have all five and exclaim: ‘How ignorant can they be thinking that they have an advantage over me?’

54 There is no suffering, neither is its weakness. It is the ability to deal with every single aspect of who you are through your senses. You see? It is about balance. And if there is an error and within those five senses you lose one, a balance must be created. You see?

55 That person will have the remaining four with more intensity than probably yours. But of course, within your Karma comes the ability to deal with five senses and harmony and a much higher level of new experiences, but for that, you need to create balance.

56 And if with this ability you take advantage of others and succeed by going over others, you may master such an ability in this lifetime, but guess how you will end up in the next life— with your (*)opposite.

57 The farther away you go from balance, the deeper you sink while reincarnating. That’s how it works.

58 That’s why it is said that the rich owns the poor, and the borrower is a slave to the lender. From this comes finding balance: You may have all the glory in this lifetime or have used all your senses and capacities to the fullest, but if it is for personal gain alone, ah!… the next life will be the total opposite.

59 That’s why there is an oppressor and the oppressed. One does not exist without the other. You see? Yin and Yang, positive and negative. You see?

60 FV— Where is the balance?

61 CFKW—By not taking advantage of others, respecting oneself, taking care of oneself, and seeking balance within one’s body. You see? And to understand others, know each one is part of you, and find oneself through one’s opposite or partner. You see?

62 That’s what happens with friendships. They may be almost like siblings, but when they separate, their lives split. One’s world is no longer the same as the other’s world. Each one will defend their world, their vision, their ideal—what is called their ‘path’—and protect what is theirs. Each one wants to protect their own.

63 This is part of creation; that is how wars take place: From all those rebellious who wanted to take and those who want to keep. That is the war over power, money, knowledge, and technology—those are wars, even in the economic revolve of who has more and who has less. That is how, in this complex world, there is an ‘I want to keep’ and ‘I want to take away.’ There is no balance anymore. One wants to keep, and one wants to take away. You see?

64 FV—What is it about the spirit world? Is it real or not? I still can’t figure it out myself.

65 CFKW—What do you want to know?

66 FV—I need to understand so I can define balance and the existence of all they claim exists so I can make sense of myself.

67 CFKW—Let me see how to explain this.
(At this point, I am taken to experience the answer myself as I further verbalize my experience under Article 68. Keep in mind this is me back then when I was utterly skeptical and an analytical individual even after having multiple spiritual experiences.)

68 FV—I see no exit. It seems like a wall refraining me from knowing about the other side. I get a sense that it does exist, but I can’t tell because it is being hidden from me—there is no way for me to confirm whether it exists. But many claim that it does exist. And if others claim so, it is because it comes either from their collective imagination or, if in true nature, it does exist. That is why I cannot see or confirm.

69 CFKW—You see? To know or not to know. When you closed your eyes, you felt as if there was a curtain separating the external from the internal world. The external is the mirror. But within the internal, there is another curtain. That curtain is like another mirror. You became detached from that fifth sense (vision) when you closed your eyes. You have just turned off that fifth sense.

70 Eyesight is the only sense that one can indeed turn off. The rest of the senses are much harder to turn off. Even when you cover your ears, you still have the capacity to hear.

71 When you close your eyes, you enter within yourself, and by entering within yourself, you then allow yourself to reach the sixth sense. That sixth sense is separate from the other senses— it’s opposite. The sixth sense is absent from the five senses.

72 Being able to reach that sixth sense is experimentation, the culmination of understanding oneself and expressing all the senses in their absence.

73 If lacking one sense enhances the strength of the remaining senses, imagine what would happen when you lack all five senses! It is the expression of creation without the manifestation of the senses.

74 By lacking the senses, you give the greatest strength to creation and expression without the senses, which is the soul. Just as a person may be distant from or close to this plane, that soul can also be distant from or close to that plane.

75 Instead of wanting to experience with all your senses, which is the lower aspect where desire resides, there is a part of your soul that does not need to express with those senses—where it has more purity because it is further away from (*)sin.

76 Sin is erring in the desire to seek this or that. That’s why it is said that the infant is born with the original sin—the desire for creation is the original sin, the desire for movement, for creation. Therefore, if you are born, it is through original sin—through the desire to procreate by copulation, and its force creates, even if it doesn’t seem so, the union of two beings, where through desire or even (*)lack of, remains the union of two beings, merging to create one. The egg and the sperm are two beings, whereas opposites come together so that both cease to be two and become one.

77 That is why we are One, because we were created from two separate and different entities by the original desire of a human being. And if it was the oppressor and his victim, the victim remains his opposite—(*)part of life itself.

78 FV—¿Do we suffer in the process?

79 CFKW—Yes, suffering takes place. But we (*)suffer not because it was sought but because it is a reality that cannot be discarded: Suffering is part of creation itself.

80 The one who falls victim and suffers does so because suffering is the negative part of being human: The opposite, dense, dark, what is difficult, bad, and desired. You see?

81 Everything that can be good can also be bad, used for good or evil. It matters not how it is taken; it still is. You see? … and we can elaborate more on that topic.

82 For example, observe what is taking place with the homosexual movement to reduce the population and the burden on this dimension of beings who keep migrating into bodies because there is plenty of access. It is necessary to define limits so that those souls stay where they are and realize that there is no need to incarnate, and for those souls to understand how dense individuality feels so they can receive that vibration or the message that “I don’t want to do it anymore.” You see? And stop seeking.

83 That’s why Karma is both (*)good and bad, where sometimes the bad is good because often what it feels as bad helps you say, “I no longer want to come back!”

84 That’s another view, perspective, or story of how we can stop wanting to return to this life. That under pain, one could say, “I can’t take it anymore,” that you, as a soul, chose not wanting to return, and thus you must (*)pray. That’s why those souls are called Angels: The soul, angel, spirit, is nothing more than the spirit that, being a soul, wants to return. You see?

85 Many other souls have great desires to incarnate and cannot because they have not had the opportunity to manifest in this way. These souls manifest as ‘spirits’ on this earth plane due to the strong desire to return even without a body, and many manifest (*)while under anger, rage, or sadness.

86 But we also have many others who have the strength and manifest to help understand the good and bad aspects of life, termed as ‘divine intervention’ for those souls who seek to help, and others like yourself (FV) who are willing to open their doors to channel information that is considered intervention, which we are here to deliver so that this message reaches others. You see

87 We are intervening through you (FV) so that you may carry this message by becoming an instrument, like many others, at different levels, in their own style and form, so that the message reaches all its parts. You see? What’s good and not, Yin and Yang…there is intervention from all sides. That is intervention: Those souls manifesting freely everywhere—divine intervention.

88 But just as there are good and bad people on Earth, some with good and others with bad intentions, and deception everywhere, the same exists in the spiritual world because they are still souls.

89 That soul who once had a body, today, no longer has a body, but it remains a soul and continues to live and exist. As spirit, it has strength and seeks density, just as it once found a body to manifest density, but without a body, it cannot incarnate until its moment of inception and gestation arrives, according to the requirements. That is the world of spirits.

90 (*)The devil is just a soul in manifestation. Just as there is evil on Earth, with people engaging in the worst behaviors to lure others to commit the vilest acts, so too does the malevolent spirit that feeds from the fear and suffering caused to others.

91 Just as on Earth, many take pleasure in the suffering of others; that is called the devil—referring to that ill intent. This also exists in the spiritual world, manifesting with strength and great desire. You see?

92 There are two very intense desires; the desire to do good and the desire for ill intent. Good manifests through mediums to provide positive messages like these, but it seeks a body free from malice. Although this body (FV) has its human side, its spiritual side remains intact, so it can channel these messages. Because whether you believe it or not, this being (FV) may have its flaws, but he has a heart of impeccable justice, and justice is what has allowed him to channel all this.

End of Transcript 120801143546


Article 5—It implies a small or almost diminutive world compared to other worlds.
Article 7-It implies the notion of creation portrayed by science, which hinders the advancement of spirituality.
Article 8—Reincarnations
Articles 11 y 12—It implies that the new movement of wanting to find oneself without seeking a family is a voluntary process of souls recently incarnated on Earth.
Article 14—Consider the word ‘creator’ a simile.
Article 18—This is an extensive and indivisible rhetoric distinctive of this particular entity, allowing me to convey the abstract in a simile.
Article 22—(*) Man: The original definition of man is a human being of either sex; a person. Etymology: From Middle English men, from Old English menn (“people”), from Proto-Germanic manniz, nominative plural of Proto-Germanic mann- (“person”). Him, Himself. He: pronoun, anyone (without reference to gender); that person: He who hesitates is lost . (**) Microscopes and telescopes.
23—Implies the indescribable nature of our existence, which has no words to describe in words.
Article 26—(*) An emotion is not a physical sense, but it is part of the self to be part of expression. It should not be confused with the sixth sense, which is intuition.
Article 27—Example—One who expresses anger or sadness over the abuse of the innocent.
Article 28— (*) Implies the creation of man, who was previously Homo Erectus, and through DNA alteration in the image and likeness of their creators, became what is now known as Homo sapiens. (**) Implies the creation of other beings by other creators, who, like men, enter the spiritual realm with karmic burdens. In both cases, it is implied that Homo sapiens are not the only race created by their creators
Article 39—(*)You can achieve this by learning how to quiet your mind. A meditation exercise will soon be available soon. (**) A mirror is a reflection of how you manifest.
Article 41—The word ‘human’ is used to highlight our current nature, but it is important to emphasize that it is a creation of the Self long before becoming man. (**) Based on my Christian beliefs, Adam and Eve were given to help me better understand. Adam and Eve were used as metaphors to depict the spirit as it densified and became a soul. Notice how it followed the words “almost falling into the physical,” implying not yet in physical form
Article 42— Note that the article begins with the phrase ‘God—the creation’ and not ‘God the creator.’ It became the creator as we gave it personification.(**)reference to Article 41.
Article 56—Implies that the oppressor becomes the oppressed.
Article 75—Sin is a term used to help me understand error (to err) in line with my religious beliefs, and it is further explained under Article 76.
Article 76—(*) Implies rape victims or forced copulation. (**) Implies the concept of Oneness.
Article 77—Implies not having to be that way but it is under our present condition.
Article 79—Reference Article 24 from the First Transcript
Article 83—It should be clear that what many call ‘bad’ is simply a lack of understanding about the purpose of such manifestation. What is considered ‘bad’ is what one does not want to accept. However, there is also the aspect of ‘bad’ regarding harm caused by ill intent towards others.
Article 84—Once again, the word ‘pray’ is directed towards my religious beliefs of that time to help me understand new aspects.
Article 85—These are commonly known as souls in torment, mischievous spirits, or malevolent entities.
Article 90—The devil is a name used in Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Zoroastrianism, Hinduism and many indigenous and ancient cultures as a figure or concept representing evil, chaos, or malevolent forces, hereby explained in depth by the CFKW under this Article.

This Higher Truth from The Collective Forces of Knowledge and Wisdom is being received, perceived and transcribed by Francisco Valentín.

Copyright © Francisco Valentín All Rights Reserved. This material may only be shared from this original website. This material may not be published, broadcasted, rewritten or redistributed in any other way without written approval by Francisco Valentin or his legal successor(s). Infringement of this copyright act will be enforced to the full extent of the law.

Truth is One; interpretations many.
— Transcript —

“It is not from what you learn but from what you put into practice that makes you advance”Transcript

Help me spread these words among your loved ones, relatives and friends. Simply say:
“Look what I found in the internet—see if it makes sense to you.” That’s all I ask.

And remember the last words from The First Transcript:

“We are one, and as you help me, you advance”— First Transcript

Thank you for sharing time with me.
Francisco Valentín
Author, publisher and custodian of The Transcripts

Note: All Transcripts have been written without formal but limited editing. The beauty lies in the imperfection of its content, which keeps the integrity and original intent intact as the abstract is transcribed through the perceptive mind of the transcriber. Further editing may alter the original intent, thus, leading to misinterpretation. No one shall interpret to others the true intent embedded in each Transcript, for no one knows the original intent other than the original transcriber, Francisco Valentín. Any word(s) written in parenthesis “( )” means that the transcriber chose to clarify said a preceding word, sentence, or phrase by further explaining the true intent following said word. Example: vehicle (car)

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