1 Humanity has become weak in their convictions. They need to constantly be reminded.
2 Take, for instance, motivation. You would need to motivate people and keep them motivated over and over again; otherwise, they will forget.
3 Athletes, on the other hand, need to be constantly pushed to their limits because their minds would slow them down and would not thrive to their full potential.
4 You can see this throughout the world and through centuries. The masses had to be pushed and pushed into higher motivation and into their higher self, constantly.
5 Churches have been doing the same: Giving the same sermon week after week, over and over again, and people are still stuck in the same place.
6 There is a higher force where people, government, power, and society keep pushing us one way while the motivational keep pushing us the other way… and many don’t dare to take sides.
7 Many go along with the wind. They will rather go with the flow, and whoever pushes them faster and further wins them.
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