The Path To Awareness And Peace


Step 1: How To Unlock The Doors of Knowledge

1 Let me show you how this works. You cannot learn what you have never known before because there has to be a preconception in order to learn new things as the information is being downloaded.

2 That is why prophets and messengers have come forward, because it is a message that has to be brought by us (CFKW) and received by you— humanity.

3 Let’s examine the reasoning: I cannot pretend that your conscious mind, which has been receiving information, recording it, and using it as necessary throughout your life…How can I pretend that someone could truly understand something without any prior knowledge or notion of what it is?

4 I can speak endlessly without the other person understanding me when the message comes from a spiritual source to the conscious present. The conscious present would have no notion of the message because it works with what it has been taught. You see?

5 Humanity works with the information it receives in this earthly realm, and based on that information, it understands everything it needs to know about the world it lives in and the field of work it engages in.

6 For instance, a young person cannot perform surgery on someone without first completing a curriculum created by more experienced individuals taught by others with even greater expertise, passing down their knowledge through generations.

7 All this information has gradually arrived on Earth from the spiritual world, where the concepts of time and space have been accepted by humanity over the years. But there is also a spiritual path that must be understood on this earthly plane in order to progress fully.

8 You may (*)wonder why so many mistakes are made over time. The answer is that information cannot be provided all at once. Humanity has learned to work progressively. You see? Progressively! Therefore, you should not expect them to understand everything at once when everything in life has been carried out progressively.

9 This knowledge is brought from the spiritual world to the present gradually, in stages, by each of its messengers who receive and understand it.

10 Those who have chosen to reach this realm through meditation have done so because they sought it out—silently, by their own desire, or instilled by other sources.

11 That is the problem with pack mentality. Many follow one, thinking this is good; many follow others, believing something else is good, but no one dares to self-declare, saying: “I will achieve it on my own, and thus accomplish it in the realm where I am in full possession of my knowledge because I am the one who made it available to me, and thus it binds and fulfills my desire to do good.” You see?

12 (*)No one wants that responsibility for fear of being judged and would rather be part of a flock so they can judge but not be judged.

13 Through these readings and progressively, the gateway to knowledge is opened because the message has been given in all its parts, transmuting generations and civilizations. It is about opening the path to understanding on your own, for what has been gathered from here and there, and it is in you (FV) to spread the news that the one message is the same through many paths, because we are One.

14 CFKW—Any more questions?…

Step 2: How to Find The Way

15 FV— Why me, why is this happening to me?

16 CFKW—One chooses for oneself. It is one who determines to be rich or poor, to do this or that, because it is one who judges oneself, knowing what is (*)good and bad, and understanding what one has done.

17 It is through one’s (*)vibe that one seeks to understand life: How in tune you are with this line of thought. You see? A line of thought merely complements the very thought about life. You see?

18 This is not information hidden from you—it is information that you, as the receiver, cannot declare as living proof if you have not yet lived it. Each individual must cross the path to understand what one is, what the other is, and everything that exists within it.

19 There is also the incorrect movement—neither being able to connect nor being overly connected. Technology serves as a means to accelerate the process for those who recognize it advances our (CFKW) work along this path. You see?

20 Many go on with good intentions to create a more advanced world so that the interconnection and relationships among one another, the entire globe, and new worlds can be understood, as they realize that through communication, we are all truly one nation. That is why humanity must move forward in understanding our origin and formation. You see?

21 However, there are others who, in their understanding, want to create a denser world and bind their forces within that world because they need that dense environment to draw others to the densest of the dense, and in this process, they hope to find a better understanding.

22 The problem arises when people become entangled in a denser movement, such as lust, attachments to possessions, and an obsession with money. That is why people become confused because although they came with a clear purpose, they end up with another. This is known as greed, from an exchange of egos, powers, perspectives and concepts of what is and what one is according to what one possesses.

23 That money, often referred to as ‘exchange’ between human beings, is undeniably essential; it is what drives all this forward. Owning it is not a (*)sin, as long as it is used wisely in works like these (Transcripts), which are crucial for facilitating this—(**)serving as a vital channel of information.

24 Many people complain about technology, but it is actually what facilitates the distribution of your work. Therefore, we should not rush to judge the reasons behind this technology. Everything has its counterpart, as this universe is shaped by all the souls that have manifested in human bodies.

25 There is a power struggle between two sides, where one will (*)never understand why people fight to be better than the other regarding what is good and what is bad. It’s up to us (CFKW) through these messages to untangle everything that binds humanity, which feels like a rope so knotted that we can’t even see how to untie it. You see?

26 With the same technology that aims to connect the world, you can also harness it as a means to detach from it. This technology serves as a vehicle for conveying the message that one can achieve liberation independently—by oneself—without reliance on others and with one’s own ability to be present with oneself, similar to those who opt for monastic life, dedicating years to solitude.

27 Likewise, many others have chosen the path of solitude concerning their perception of their God, the divine, their supreme being, or their core sense of self—much like the Sun at the center of a solar system, with the planets orbiting around it, like God being the Sun, and all the planets being just as particles, beings, men, and those many others understanding their relationship with God.

28 Just as an individual can see the Light within oneself, so the planets see themselves as part of the Sun and its solar system. Likewise, the galaxies are like worlds upon worlds.

29 Such is the manifestation of that ‘something’ which is incomprehensible—a great magnitude force often referred to as ‘God.’ Many have shaped this concept into a human-like figure, reflecting the kind of relationship they wish to have with Him. This has become a revelation that many have embraced, learned, know, and believe true as they feel there is nothing beyond the external world that can adequately explain how the ‘inner self’ feels. You see? To truly feel your ‘inner self,’ one must renounce to the distractions of the external world.

Step 3: How to Renounce The External World

30 FV—How does one renounce the external world?

31 CFKW—Really easy. This is called Meditation. It is simply closing your eyes to the world and entering within yourself, knowing that one is the self in contemplation of the Void—until, from nothing, one desires to create something, the mind moves, and images are made just like in dreams.

32 While in dreams, the soul wanders freely while the body rests, to reunite again upon waking from the dream with everything it manifested; emotion, feeling, and emulating the body’s five senses.

33 That is why sometimes the soul feels burdened by the weight of the body, leading one to what is known as dismay because the spirit grows tired of constantly struggling against all that burden placed on the body, the mind, and thoughts.

34 If they knew that the only thing one has to do for the body is to calm that restless mind that is always thinking about the good and the bad.
Resting that mind is the purpose of meditation; resting the mind from all that is external, which makes it human.

35 The soul rests and finds peace, which is nothing more than freeing itself from thought, keeping the mind neutral, and allowing it to rest. A very efficient method for meditation is to tell yourself: ‘Mind, I just want to rest.’ In the resting of your mind, you enter the Void, where nothing goes through the mind, the mind is completely clear, calm, and at peace—where you feel the emotion of being next to the source of life, which gives off life in itself, being energy, and it is life, being itself the center of all.

36 While in your rest, you rest or choose whether you want insights, if you rest or whether you want enlightenment, or if you rest and just want peace. That is true meditation—putting your mind in neutral and letting the soul express itself. But do not allow the body or the soul to stray, because the soul also has its counterpart, just as the whisperer that rests on your left shoulder opposes the whisperer that rests on your right shoulder.

37 The soul has its own desires, accumulated by what we call karma, and even the soul, in temptation, has its counterpart that whispers, ‘No, that is not good.’ You see?

38 FV—How can it be determined what good and evil are?

39 CFKW—t’s about having the right to choose. You have the right to think that this is good as much as you have the right to think that this is bad. But there is one divine law: ‘Do not harm others, because you are harming yourself.’ That is the divine law. Followed by honoring (*)God above all things.

40 FV—What is the definition of God?

41 CFKW—God is everything. God is expression, the source, the first movement—that is God. (*)God spread as he saw himself. Then it saw what good and evil (duality) was, but (**)spirit kept spreading as they found creation within themselves and pursued it. They saw themselves, and each wanted to see themselves as we now want to see (***)ourselves. Imagine now how much and how many have been splitting themselves through life. How many are we? Just imagine constantly expanding from one original thought!

42 This is indeed an expanding universe in the Void that exists, which Void itself is God, because the Void had to be created in order to coexist and give support to the created force that is taking place. You see? Can you see how it works? The Void itself is God.

43 God indeed has its counterpart —the Void is the counterpart of Light, which is life and is what supports (*)life while in the Void. You see? Paradoxical, isn’t it? But it is the truth. Therefore, if God is the Void and God is the Light, then God is all. You see?

44 But the God that you know (as a deity) is the infinitesimal part of what truly God is. Look at religion and see the magnitude given to God, each one seeing it from a different perspective, but is still the same God known at different levels and forms are given— from an old bearded man to a God that is (*)creation. Can you see all the aspects of your God? We (CFKW) call it God because that was its given name so you can identify with this.

Step 4: How To Find Peace

45 FV—What word can we then give to God?

46 CFKW—In truth, there is no word to describe God because if there is ever a word, then it will be identified as something for having a name, but God cannot be something because God is all.

47 FV—Can we then call it All?

48 CFKW—Well, it is the (*)closest.

49 FV—Then, what is all?

50 CFKW—Everything.

51 FV—But to be everything, your counterpart must be nothing.

52 CFKW—Exactly: The Void and Everything, Light and the Void. Remember, everything and nothing—duality.

53 FV—How can God be everything?

54 CFKW—God is the Light but also the Void, represented by the absence of Light. What do you want to see, Everything or the Void? Wanting to see and understand God is a desire in itself. I can also take you to the center, where you neither want nor desire to see God.

55 FV—Neither wanting everything nor wanting nothing, to then be in the center?

56 CFKW—Correct. The one who seeks the Void finds the Void, stays in the Void, and suffers. The one who wants everything, seeks everything, has everything, and also suffers. Therefore, peace lies in being at the center—becoming the observer and not wanting anything—just observing, exploring, contemplating, and being just the observer.

57 If you are the observer, you understand it—as the observer, you understand, you allow it, and you don’t attach to it. You see what you see, and although what you see might hurt you, you seek to detach from it until it no longer hurts and doesn’t become part of you because it no longer hurts. This is how peace is found—by becoming the observer. You see?

58 It’s a matter of understanding everything from a distance (as an observer). Once you know it, it becomes comprehensible, and once it is comprehended, it is accepted according to the source of information, the emotional state in which you have been living in this life, and what you decided to become by profession, concept, understanding, karma, dharma. You see?

59 Seek peace at your center and rest your mind. Visualize positive images, just like in dreams. Live the dream before sleeping: What next thing do you want to do? What is your next reason to live? You see? Think about it.

60 Let yourself be guided because you are the creator. You can create your dreams before you go to sleep. But for that, you must teach and condition the mind in practicing and understanding meditation, where first you have to learn to silence the mind, which is in constant movement. You must first teach how to control the mind with all the analogies you have used to quiet the mind, which is the first step.

61 The second step is to understand that there is another realm where, upon closing your eyes, you enter into a different state. The third step is to quench your curiosity about what you want to see. Seek, ask, and discover in the spiritual world what draws your attention and what you wish to see so that you can understand how things work.

62 Just as you familiarize yourself with the external world, familiarize yourself with your inner world and understand that you have access to all of this—so that you can later realize that the only thing you truly seek is peace. You can seek peace or think about work, seek peace or lust, seek peace or think about… and so on, creating two worlds.

63 Eventually, you will learn that if you want to create your world, you must control your mind and create your next steps without harming ANYONE. Otherwise, karma will take a toll on you—trust me.

64 With your desires, you sleep and rest your mind to move to what can be manifested and what cannot. You see? But some abuse that power and use it for harm. Each one must learn not to harm one another—and follow the rule: (*)Love everyone above all things; Love the All above all. You see?

65 This is how the law of intention works: Visualizing, repeating, believing in such a way that it becomes a reality, where reality is nothing other than the perception of what we create with so much faith that it takes form in that web called Earth. You see?

66 That is why you must be careful because there is an array of interconnections on Earth. They call them souls, but it is an interconnection of energy you sense as it takes form, manifests, and becomes part of you.

67 Some you have to protect yourself from, others you can choose to ignore, others may affect you very hard, and at times, you end up surrendering to them. You see?

68 FV—Why not live life to the fullest and enjoy it, considering the hassle I’m going through?

69 CFKW—Suit yourself. It is your life, not mine. It is your decision, not mine. Your way, not my way. It is you who live through what is good or bad. The consequences come from your own actions. You see?

End of Transcript 120808145524


Article 8—This inner question refers to the faults committed by so many messengers distorting the information received over time.
Article 12—The word ‘Nobody’ is a hyperbole.

Article 16—Implies good or evil, beneficial or harmful, virtuous or immoral, favorable or destructive. worthy or wicked, decent or indecent, righteous or corrupt, honorable or deplorable, pleasant or detrimental, ethical or unethical, worthy or unworthy and so on.
Article 17—’Vibe’ implies the vital and spiritual energy that shapes and give meaning to life.
Article 23—(*) Sin is a concept not in a religious context, but rather ethical and moral. Here it is defined as an action, thought, or omission considered contrary to divine laws, ethical principles, or established norms. Keep in mind that the context was based on my Catholic upbringing at that time. (**) That is the main reason why donations are being requested to continue this mission.
Article 25—’ Never’ is a hyperbole.

Article 39—See Article 64 for clarification. Remember that the Collective Force is gradually helping me understand the true identity of God.
Article 41—(*) This is categorized as a metaphor to describe God and the first movement. (**) Makes reference to the spirit that, in its origin, detached itself from the source and continued expanding within itself. (***) What better evidential fact than us wanting to create a child in our attempt to see ourselves and we materialize it through another body?
Article 43— I testify that I was in the Void when I died in my car accident in 1979.
Article 44— It must be clarified that God is creation—not the deity creator.

Article 64— This article clarifies what was previously stated about the identity of God under Article 39.

This Higher Truth from The Collective Forces of Knowledge and Wisdom is being received, perceived and transcribed by Francisco Valentín.

Copyright © Francisco Valentín All Rights Reserved. This material may only be shared from this original website. This material may not be published, broadcasted, rewritten or redistributed in any other way without written approval by Francisco Valentin or his legal successor(s). Infringement of this copyright act will be enforced to the full extent of the law.

Truth is One; interpretations many.
— Transcript —

“It is not from what you learn but from what you put into practice that makes you advance”Transcript

Help me spread these words among your loved ones, relatives and friends. Simply say:
“Look what I found in the internet—see if it makes sense to you.” That’s all I ask.

And remember the last words from The First Transcript:

“We are one, and as you help me, you advance”— First Transcript

Thank you for sharing time with me.
Francisco Valentín
Author, publisher and custodian of The Transcripts

Note: All Transcripts have been written without formal but limited editing. The beauty lies in the imperfection of its content, which keeps the integrity and original intent intact as the abstract is transcribed through the perceptive mind of the transcriber. Further editing may alter the original intent, thus, leading to misinterpretation. No one shall interpret to others the true intent embedded in each Transcript, for no one knows the original intent other than the original transcriber, Francisco Valentín. Any word(s) written in parenthesis “( )” means that the transcriber chose to clarify said a preceding word, sentence, or phrase by further explaining the true intent following said word. Example: vehicle (car)

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