1 Humanity has always been intrigued by the understanding that the power of the mind can work miracles. That is true. Miracles can be achieved through the thinking mind once detached from the body. But we humans cannot reach that level yet, because of our indulgence with the physical world. You see?
2 That is why Jesus said that you can achieve to do what he does and much more. By ‘more,’ he meant the thought form, out of body, where then, he himself was limited too for having been embodied: Meaning what he could do while embodied and much more while disembodied.
3 The same applied when Jesus proclaimed that you could move mountains if you have the faith of a grain of mustard. Of course, he did not mean to literally move mountains in physical body and form, but what the power of your intentions could achieve.
4 For instance: How many times while in your dreams have you felt physical and emotional pain, happiness, sadness, tiredness, and all those forms of physical manifestation? They were very real to you, yet you were asleep: You were not in body form—you were in spirit form, still attached to the plane of reality you are presently conscious of. You see?
5 But in essence, you were capable of moving mountains if you desired to once you acknowledge having that ability and detach from the limitations your body form gives you and realize that it is true. You see?
6 Your limited mind keeps the spirit (soul) holding on to what reality IS to the soul at the present time in present form. But once you realize that you are LIFE, regardless of your form and not bounded by physical force, then you will come to realize that you are One within that collective force of creation, in form, and by you detaching from the physical, you begin to see what true love IS, which is none other than life itself in its purest form.
End of Transcript 120420111542