1 Let us offer this charming analogy: As a pet walking on the ground, the small dog wants to explore life from another perspective and climbs onto a chair or a piece of furniture to see the world from a different perspective.
2 This analogy can clearly be applied to the meaning of life, where some seek the rustic, flat ground of nature according to their way of seeing things while perceiving nature as the creation of a living being whom many call God, who shapes all life through a rhythmic balance of each of its elements, allowing it to reproduce and continue the chain of events—creation in its simplest form, fostering coexistence, similarly to those many others seeking to find peace in all of this.
3 The world is a conglomerate of thoughts around all of this. You see? And we, as humans, are part of all of this because we want to be in this world, in this reality, in this ecosystem that exists. You see? Here, you can see nature in its full bloom.
4 But one can also appreciate the technology sought by those who want the latest advancements, as well as the different perspectives on life—much like a small dog perched on a chair or piece of furniture, eager to see everything from a new angle.
5 Those who want to see nature and have conceived in it a complete life, as well as those we call aboriginal people who still inhabit this land, are those who seek their understanding of what life is on this planet at their level of understanding. You see?
6 There are always those who want to see the world from another perspective, seeking supremacy as they see fit, understanding that all of this is nothing more than a reflection of life itself. You see?
7 Life is life. Look for the definition of life, and you will find that life has no fixed definition because life is life.
8 FV—What is life?
9 CFKW—The question is not what it means to live, what you would like to experience, or what you understand life to be, but rather to ask, (*)What is life?
10 FV—What is life?
11 CFKW—Life is being; wanting to be. That is life: wanting to be. If one did not want to be, one would not exist. So, what is the purpose of life? To exist. You see? That is life. But many see life from the earthly plane and do not seek the true meaning of life within themselves.
12 Take away all the external aspects of life: work, income, and material possessions. What are you left with? With being. Then one would respond to oneself: “But at this point, I no longer want to be (human), because I want to be (spirit). If I am not (human), then I die, I cease to exist (as a human), therefore I want to be.” You see? Even those who understand this concept still want to be. Because being is being—it’s creation—it’s simply being.
13 Therefore, wanting to be, wanting to do more, and wanting to progress is the very desire to advance, but also the desire by whim is one we know is to err, whereas when one chooses not to desire and does not want to hold, one just IS. Being is a desire for life in itself. Can you see it? Even the one who desires not to be, the very desire not to be, makes him be for still been a desire. You see?
14 Everything is being, even the one who desires death, even the one who wishes the worst for his worst enemy, those who do not even want to coexist in this world—still, all of them want to be. Therefore, ‘wanting’ is ‘being,’ and by ‘being,’ it is understood that one exists. Even the vilest of the despicable wants ‘to be.’ You see? Can you comprehend? Everything is being.
15 Even when leaning towards evil, that very evil wants to be the evil it is; otherwise, it would be nothing. Being nothing implies not to exist. And if one does not exist, there is no room for (*)duality. And if there is no room for duality, then there is oneness within oneself.
16 That is why good always prevails over evil, because even when driven by the sheer desire to do evil, there are those who want to do good, joined by all those who understand what good is. You see? Their strength would be far greater, even if they claim not to have the same force.
17 But there is something that weakens evil—the desire ‘to be’ that evil, that opposite of good. Just by wanting to be evil, one loses strength because what remains within oneself is the search for one’s reason to exist. You see? That is why good always triumphs over evil—always! That is why Karma exists. Just as it is said that the wicked will not go unpunished, in the same way, Karma works toward finding peace and balance. You see?
18 We previously explained that there should be no movement within balance because keeping balance neutralizes time and space. This is very true—there is no time or space. But space (*)exists. The span between one thing and another allows for the creation of space. Therefore, space exists. Just as seen in this earthly plane, it exists in the spiritual plane. That is why it is said, as above, so below. There is no difference—understand this.
19 FV—Understood. What about time? What can you say about time? Am I here simultaneously speaking?
20 CFKW—Yesterday, I spoke with you; last year, I spoke with you; I also remember that occasion when you were a child. For that, time must have elapsed. Time is a marker created to define the period that has elapsed and what has been learned in each of those cycles called time. Time is a cycle. You see?
21 It is said that time and space do not exist but it must exist in order to be understood. Time and space do not exist; none of this exists because this is an illusion, which is a reflection of the inner desire to feel through the senses what emanates and is gathered by those senses. That is where we identify and transform ourselves into what we consider to be. For you to be, you must be a living being.
22 FV—Then, what is life?
23 CFKW—It was said before. From the stone with its atom vibrating at a specific frequency, just as one vibrates with energy drawn to music and everything that comprises it, so is the atom and molecule that vibrates and resonates at that level, with no desire other than the pleasure of vibrating at that frequency and enjoying the moment without seeking that ‘something’ or the ‘why’ of things and all its movement focuses in being a stone.
24 That stone has movements; it breaks off due to the corrosion of time, and regenerates into something else within its molecular structure, continuing to degrade and degrade until it turns into dust.
25 As it turns into dust, it merges with those atoms and molecules that want to return to what they used to be, to their origin of identity, and solidify, creating a new structure through time in order to create their new life. Thus, it returns to its origin when it was a large, strong, and powerful matter to see itself diminish into its simplest form, creating the desire to do it all again and return to what it once was.
26 Observe this, from where it all began—with a grain of sand that began solidifying, creating matter, and from one matter it jumps to another, progressing through the entire concept of what creation is and its elements, until it reaches what is known today as (*)man. In the same way, it evolves or regresses through its good or bad deeds: retrogression and evolution—which have already been explained.
27 You cannot stop the flow. That grain, believing itself to be a stone, must understand that it came from a grain, and its destiny is to return to becoming a grain, not what one believes to be or exists as.
28 If one were to think that one began as part of a mountain and returns to being a grain, to one’s origin, believing one started as a mountain, a mountain does not begin without first being a grain—one that merges with another to solidify and thus reach what it became, according to one’s own interpretation. You see?
29 New analogies will continue to arise one after another indefinitely, and we will never be able to finish telling the same story for humanity to understand the paradox of life and what makes up all of this.
30 But it’s not like people think—you don’t have to go through the bitter physical experience of returning in order to observe and understand. It is enough simply to understand, with reason, that all these analogies are merely an attempt to express what life is in order to understand oneself. Progress is necessary to reach the spiritual heart and achieve, from the spiritual realm, what is being attempted here.
31 Not everything that is said to be achievable on Earth will actually be accomplished here. No, no. It’s not like that. Taking the Pleiades as an example, they progressed, evolved, and are beings just like you in search of progress. Progress was found through technological means, and they continue seeking progress. But on the path of progress, they also understood all of this and what it means to be here (the spiritual plane). Nevertheless, they continue with the desire to keep progressing and helping others by their own will, knowing what they have but also what is lost if they seek other routes. So, they chose to be here (spiritual evolvement) because it became part of their being and the intention to be. You see?
32 All of this can be understood, but it must be taken to the spiritual realm because men (*)WILL NEVER want to let go of who they are. As long as they continue manifesting as such, they will never transcend.
33 That is why an attempt is being made to intervene, once again, in order to make people reflect upon what has been tried for so many centuries. This will continue to be done even if humanity seems to worsen as we keep gathering those souls who can hear and understand our voice through this message and bring them closer to the longing to return to their origin. You see? But this is achieved when spiritual awareness is attained, as it is the bridge to understanding all of this.
34 A good analogy is when the journey to planet Mars is announced 20, 40, 60, 100, or 200 years in the future, and a group of young scientists is being prepared to begin studying physical matter on this planet Earth in order to understand the physical matter on that other planet, knowing that they will not see it come to fruition but planting the seed for future generations to work with.
35 They do what they know at their own intellectual level, understanding through time and space that at this level, they will not be able to achieve it because they know that they are far below the mental, intellectual, and physical capacity required to reach Mars. Within their limitations, they understand the next step to follow. You see?
36 Therefore, it must be understood that in the process, one first is subject and matter before progressing to more advanced levels, according to the desire to understand all of this as it can be understood.
37 Thus, the one who seeks evil does so with the same zeal as the one who seeks good. You see? However, since this topic is about to be or not to be, the one who seeks evil fails by wanting to be (evil). That door, that tunnel, that entry to the spiritual world—of spiritual awareness—is a spiritual awareness of benevolence. However, there is also spiritual awareness of malevolence, where the awareness of benevolence has the same desire as the awareness of malevolence. That is where the paradox lies— Which one will prevail? Do you see?
38 Good defeats evil because good has something that evil does not have—the desire to ‘be.’ But I say to you, so you can see how easily conflict arises when I tell you that evil also wants to ‘be’ and, moreover, has something that the virtuous does not have: The malice to defeat.
39 This seems a superior force by definition in the dense world because it is a desire that consumes the self in one’s own desire to do evil, becoming cancer for them, just as cancer manifests in the body by attacking the vulnerability of an organ while the body is distracted with other affairs, by attracting negative energies. You see? That is why doubt plays such an important role in healing, because healing the body requires eliminating all negativity and everything that harms the body.
40 FV—But what about those who, through faith in healing, reject medical attention?
41 CFKW—The first is the fool, who wants to play the victim, and by seeing himself grow as a victim, he finds death by doing nothing about it, as if it were an inner struggle with oneself, where he could have seen the same thing happen to many others and make the same stupid mistake—the act of a perfect clown.
42 But there is also the one who seeks to deny the existence of that cancer, which materializes because it must, where the level of faith must be accompanied by the understanding of the evil that threatens the body. For understanding is like a remedy, therapy, or homeopathy as healing. It is of no use to the individual who claims that God will save them by protecting them from evil when the understanding is that only honoring that Creator can heal them.
43 Also, doubt through misinformation is where everything happening these days takes place due to the lack of faith in oneself. The power of faith has been removed by all those who have sought to intervene, in many ways—through (**)intervention.
44 But there is also the one who suffers from a great illness, which may be due to a karmic error from a previously made pact. In failing, one must stand the test again, but within the environment created by the new being who continues to evolve. That one is not the only problem a person must overcome. Of all the situations you must face, one is enough to overthrow all others and give a new turn to one’s life. But it is by one’s own decision, own will—free will.
45 FV—Why is it said that the path is already traced?
46 CFKW—Because you trace it yourself. The path is already traced; the road you have already outlined. And what is about to happen in the next second is already your creation, so it automatically becomes your creation. You see?
47 This is just another analogy, just like the drawing of a cartoon in a flip book, where each page represents time, and what happened in that time and space is captured as the past of one’s life. The new drawing has already started, so when you turn to the next page, it has already become the past and helped build the new future in connection with that past that has just been created.
48 The best example is in that sheet of paper, where the child is the one who draws the line and extends it across the page until it forms the new object the child wants to create from that image and replicates this on each page, creating a movement like an animated short, page by page, second by second. You see? And movement is created.
49 FV—What about all those things that don’t make sense, that get in the way, that afflict and prevent us from progressing?
50 CFKW—These are obstacles created by others who cross your path. Each one is an individual, has their own thinking, and designs all of this in union with what is already present. As everything intertwines, it becomes a single unit, like a web, where you are a spider interconnected with others. When their paths cross, they decide what to do with themselves and what kind of relationship to establish.
51 That’s why you see people for the first time and they become friends for life, because in the moment they meet, on a spiritual level, a decision is made (or was made) to share with that soul. You see? And it becomes part of a desire. That’s how you see many others walking by without paying attention to one another, focused on their own things, and not interacting with others to express what humanity is. You see?
52 All those “shy” individuals must understand all this because the shy one is the first to get afflicted by this. When one is shy, one doesn’t want to interact—doesn’t want connection with other souls. They don’t understand that by running into someone and being exposed to those souls, they find a partner; someone who catches their attention for the first time, from a sheer smile to creating new settings where they can meet themselves again.
53 The more you connect with others, the more peace you find within yourself, because in solitude, one finds emptiness within, and energy is lost by being alone. Man is sociable by nature.
54 The shy person must overcome their shyness and learn to explore the world, understanding here, perhaps for the first time, that it is not the one who claims not to need others who has the most, but rather, the one who is surrounded by many people who truly has a reason to be. You see? Loneliness is one, and the one who seeks many finds strength in his soul.
End of Transcript 120807151510
Article 9—The question is not a repetition, but when I asked the original question, my thought was seeking an answer to a question that CFKW clarified should not be asked. I then clarified with the same question, but with a clear mind regarding the intention behind the question. This often occurs during channeling, where the entity intercepts the intention behind the question.
Article 15— Duality exists in this earthly plane and other lower levels, but not at higher levels such as levels of unity.
Article 18—This is not contradictory. It merely offers a perspective on what we can comprehend as existing at the level we inhabit. As previously explained: Existing in this earthly plane and other lower levels, but not at higher levels such as levels of unity.
Article 26—The evolution of man has many facets, from the creation of man by the God Enki in Sumerian times to the creation of man by the God of Israel in the Old Testament or by the Father God of the New Testament. The creation of men, revealed by The Collective Force of Knowledge and Wisdom, dates back to times before the gods of those times and takes us back to the First Movement of whom we now call ‘men’ when, as spirit, created the first particle that started life in the physical plane.
Article 32(*)—Man: The original definition of man is a human being of any sex; a person. Etymology: From Middle English “men,” from Old English “menn” (“people”), from Proto-Germanic *manniz, nominative plural of *mann- (“person”). He, himself. He: pronoun, anyone (without reference to gender); that person: He who doubts is lost. Article 32(**)— “Never” is a hyperbole. However, it remains a fact because as long as man continues wanting to be man, he will not achieve such wisdom.
Article 43—By ‘occurring,’ it implies the increase in cancer and other diseases that are continuously rising these days. (**)By intervention, it implies blind faith in allopathic medicine rather than homeopathic treatment—taken just as one of many other examples.