Truth Is One, Interpretations Many


1 Faith, doubt, and confidence is something most people reinforce by reassurance when a third party tells them they are correct. But unfortunately, that is not true faith, and neither does it remove all doubts.

2 Faith is believing something to be true by trust in the blind faith to the existence and the nature of something. Faith is given to something (or someone) as the result of an understanding, not knowing or even understanding its nature, but intuiting it to be true.

3 Blind faith comes from an initial process that may be illogical because it does not go in accordance with the systematic material world we live in.

4 Through faith, our mind finds ways to interpret and acknowledge, yet not understanding something, or something taking place, in an understanding process, along with the vulnerability of the blindness created to truly believe something unsustainable at this material world level that is improbable to have taken place.

5 One knows something by faith as one finds logical ways to make it substantive with what one lives with. Faith is to blindly accept the incomprehensible.

6 Now, the moment something starts making sense because you experienced it, and you acknowledge it, it stops becoming faith to become a fact—a real fact— because there is no doubt in your mind of its existence for having experienced it. So, there will be no need for credentialing, reinforcement, or any other ratification. Once you are convinced, by experience, of its true nature, then faith is replaced by true knowledge. You see?

7 It is human nature to find truth, and a strong faith can lead you to not having to be concerned about researching if your faith is of true content or not. Life is full of those many experiences where you were taught, read, heard, or seen and the lengthy research that ended up being not “true.”

8 Take as an example the teachings you were taught from early childhood when given the idea of the existence of the “Tooth Fairy”[1] or Santa[2], or the three kings[3], or the White Stork[4],” and many more that you have read or told about when you were a child.

9 See how your mind created a mental setting where those teachings were true and lived by knowing, through faith, to be true and believed when their appearance allegedly took place by leaving evidential facts to their existence through gifts, and you rejoiced with happiness when such events took place. You see?

10 See now when you learned the new truth of their non-existence and ask yourself if you were even emotionally scarred by your new findings. I will assure you, you were not. You did enjoy those moments, and with the new truth, you enjoyed new moments to live by

11 See also all the teachings you were given when at school. Remember those days from early teachings when you were given the task of learning numbers? See how it boggled you as you attempted to create what was never created in your mind before—a set of numbers ruling the earth plane.

12 Remember learning to count from one to ten? How much trouble gave to your mind to make sense of them and create a reality of their existence as numbers, from one… to ten.

13 See how your reality shifted by new knowledge and how those numbers could be added to create new numbers. And how by combining them create a new reality, a new existence—all in your mind, to later in life find out they were partial truths?

14 And a new truth began to unfold as you saw that those numbers were multiplied to create a new meaning to their existence. To later find out that a number can be in the positive or negative field of existence.

15 And through time, that reality kept shifting to higher levels, of higher understanding and higher complex math of creation within numbers, to now find out that numbers only exist in the mind—only as reference points to a higher universe that needs no numbers, nor vocabulary form that was also created in you to communicate the thought form you are made of.

16 See how reality changes from time to time? See how humanity has credentialed the existence of things by finding ways to create the universe of acknowledgment of the existence of things?

17 But see also that for one language, the number one is written in one way, while in another language, it is written differently. See also how the vocabulary form is written in one language one way, while it is written differently in another language, and ask yourself which is the true language and which is the true number in its writing form.

18 None of them are true because each one is a way of expressing life, nature, and matter in their own way. Same as religion.

19 Have you ever asked which one is the correct one? None, because they only mean connecting with one another—just as numbers and vocabularies.

20 So it is with religion; a means to an end, an interpretation of things to understand the nature of things: What for one culture one thing is good while for the other is wrong.

21 If you ask one and the other, you cannot tell who is right and wrong because it is all about interpretation. You see?

22 It is the abstract taking form in order to be understood by the creative force within you in the culture, place, and time you live in. You see? So, the thinking of the existence of things is ever-changing as you progress in life. You see?

23 The new thinking, the new faith, the new understanding is evolution in itself. What something was once real no longer is, just as the Tooth Fairy, just as the White Stork delivering babies.

24 That is why, through faith, you learn new things: Either you have faith in society, faith in religion, or you have faith in your conviction of learning and searching for truth.

25 That is oneness; the understanding and comprehension that the unfolding process of life gives you new wisdom in the understanding that we all are One, searching for truth in the realm of life itself as we unfold in our everlasting search for truth.

26 Know that truth is only one, interpreted in many ways, but in essence, in the unity of us all, we find a path of understanding that our truth is our truth, while we search for the abstract of things to give it form and reach our goal to find truth and be at peace with our understanding of truth.

27 Many have asked: ‘What if I’m wrong?” You will never be wrong because even those who still believe in the Tooth Fairy, their truth is their truth. For those who believe that hell exists, their truth is their truth, and while in their search, they progress. As they progress, the movement itself opens that space needed to understand that our true identity is one within ourselves.

28 We should strive to become whole, to become one within the same force: To seek for truth, which is the ultimate goal to free ourselves from this Earth plane that keeps us tied and prisoners of our own reality we live right now on Earth, in this place, which is tying up us all and we want out and free ourselves from this Earth plane.

29 You can see those engulfed in this material world because they have been conditioned or conceived the idea that this is all there is. Many of those have found their true happiness by understanding within their lives that this is a happy world. Those in their truth found their way and have their own path.

30 You have to let them free to express themselves because you truly don’t know their path, what they have accomplished, what they learned throughout their path, or what they need to go through to understand higher truth—and in our ignorance, we judge and point out fingers on people. And we say they are wrong because they don’t follow our path.

31 I tell you today that the path is one, taken by each individual as they grow as their unfolding karma and dharma become present in every one of us. We should honor our path and strive to become better persons outside and inside of us all because that gives us strength and energy to continue our path.

32 For one, Earth is heaven, and for another, Earth is hell, yet it is the same Earth. No one is to tell anyone what is right and wrong—only to follow a path based on their conviction and the person to choose to follow this or that path.

33 Through oneness, the understanding is that a path is a path, and the essence of the evolutionary process of the human being is to move on in either direction. This is the only way man[5] can find peace within himself, knowing that all his surroundings are one’s own creation.

34 As we see that life on Earth is where matter meets spirit and spirit meets matter, it becomes a battle between good and evil, right and wrong, and between spirituality and the carnal forces of creation.

35 Choosing between right and wrong is the hardest of all tasks. You choose between right and wrong when you acknowledge that there is something right and wrong. The acknowledgment in itself separates the right from the wrong as it becomes the justice principle for you to seek truth: If you seek for what is right within you, it means you are following the path[6].

36 Know the difference between right and wrong. If you choose the wrong because of your lack of will, then you don’t progress, and on the contrary, you go backward in your progress

37 An easy way to explain is deciding to be on a diet. There are right and wrong eating habits. If you choose to change your diet, it is because you acknowledge your present diet is not serving you well and want to do it right. You see?

38 Then, it becomes a challenge between good and evil. You feel self-pity if you fail; if you fail, it is by your wrongdoing for lack of willpower, absence of free will. You see? Willpower and free will go hand in hand because they both are one of the same driving force.

39 Free will is the ability to determine and choose right from wrong, good or bad…and you CHOOSE. By choosing, you move through what is known as free will: Free will—to choose from right and wrong, good or evil. You see? If you choose to go on a diet and fail, you have chosen wrong from good, based on your own interpretation of good and bad. You see?

40 If you see a fellow human being in distress, you have already acknowledged that he is going through a bad experience. Your choice of helping or ignoring is your free will. Either compassion takes place, or you ignore it and won’t help.

41 That does not mean you will run and help everyone you see in distress. It is the acknowledgment in your heart that either you see with compassion or ignore in selfishness, not wanting to know, wanting to detach from what’s happening, and not wanting to experience someone else’s pain, understand and relieve them through compassion. You see?

42 I can give you many more examples, but know for sure that good and bad, right and wrong, is a choice out of free will.

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[1] The Tooth Fairy is a fantasy figure of early childhood in Western and Western-influenced cultures.[1] The folklore states that when children lose one of their baby teeth, they should place it underneath their pillow or on their bedside table; the Tooth Fairy will visit while they sleep, replacing the lost tooth with a small payment. (Wikipedia)
[2] Santa Claus, also known as Father Christmas, Saint Nicholas, Saint Nick, Kris Kringle, or simply Santa, is a legendary figure[1] originating in Western Christian culture who is said to bring gifts during the late evening and overnight hours on Christmas Eve to “nice” children, and either coal or nothing to “naughty” children. (Wikipedia)
[3] The three King are regular figures in traditional accounts of the nativity celebrations of Christmas and are an important part of Christian tradition. They are said to have visited Jesus after his birth, bearing gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. In my Spanish tradition, the night before January 6, children fill a shoe box with grass to feed the camels while they sleep, and in exchange the three kings leave them a small gift.
[4] There is a legend believed to having come from Europe where the white storks were responsible of delivered babies. This legend became very common in cartoon and children’s books when I grew up and as a child I took it as true.
[5] Man: The original definition of man is a human being of either sex; a person. Etymology: From Middle English men, from Old English menn (“people”), from Proto-Germanic manniz, nominative plural of Proto-Germanic mann- (“person”). Him, Himself. He: pronoun, anyone (without reference to gender); that person: He who hesitates is lost.
[6] This is a direct message for me as I am learning new principles of life in attunement with the principles to live by given by the Collective Forces of Knowledge and Wisdom.

This Higher Truth from The Collective Forces of Knowledge and Wisdom is being received, perceived and transcribed by Francisco Valentín.

Copyright © Francisco Valentín All Rights Reserved. This material may only be shared from this original website. This material may not be published, broadcasted, rewritten or redistributed in any other way without written approval by Francisco Valentin or his legal successor(s). Infringement of this copyright act will be enforced to the full extent of the law.

Truth is One; interpretations many.
— Transcript —

“It is not from what you learn but from what you put into practice that makes you advance”Transcript

Help me spread these words among your loved ones, relatives and friends. Simply say:
“Look what I found in the internet—see if it makes sense to you.” That’s all I ask.

And remember the last words from The First Transcript:

“We are one, and as you help me, you advance”— First Transcript

Thank you for sharing time with me.
Francisco Valentín
Author, publisher and custodian of The Transcripts

Note: All Transcripts have been written without formal but limited editing. The beauty lies in the imperfection of its content, which keeps the integrity and original intent intact as the abstract is transcribed through the perceptive mind of the transcriber. Further editing may alter the original intent, thus, leading to misinterpretation. No one shall interpret to others the true intent embedded in each Transcript, for no one knows the original intent other than the original transcriber, Francisco Valentín. Any word(s) written in parenthesis “( )” means that the transcriber chose to clarify said a preceding word, sentence, or phrase by further explaining the true intent following said word. Example: vehicle (car)

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