1 The conscious mind belongs to everything that is conscious on the material plane to which it corresponds. And when one enters that mind that comprises nothing and understands everything is when one finds peace within oneself.
2 If you know that none of this exists, you can live your life according to how you understand that it exists, knowing and understanding that all evil and all good correspond to the doubt of thought, but in reality, once one has the proper understanding, one stops one’s suffering, doubting, and questioning the system.
3 On the other hand, the spiritual mind, which is a gift from the original source, manages to see and understand what once was and not necessarily is. And (the spiritual mind) would understand that (attempting to) retaining the body when there is a desire is something one must understand that it follows a purpose when the soul seeks to understand the incomprehensible.
4 That (kind of) understanding leads you to acknowledge that you are body and mind. And so what is done in mind will be executed through the body. That is where everything converges; when the material merges with what spiritually corresponds to the balance within oneself.
5 The message of light has been a symbol for centuries through all that is matter through the suns, the reflection, and the vision of all that is light and generates color. And every aspect of what light is, enters our minds through our eyes, understanding through matter, that everything you see is pure light, in its essence and the eyes, being a mirror of the soul, understands that the light goes towards that direction, because the light has been a symbol of everything that belongs to the center of what all this is—let’s call it God—finds balance with himself to be able to understand everything that once was and move on to other planes to reach the understanding of everything that is this, and that is part of a center known as light. This is totally abstract and alien to the understanding of what everything is and that the symbol granted by the human shield has been light that goes throughout our body.
6 And so that you understand what the opposite is: the opposite carries within itself another understanding in other forms, planes, and other understandings through everything that is the opposite. And its energy center is all that is the opposite of light in all of this: Call it darkness, call it stillness, or call it whatever it is; it is the opposite of what is the realization of all this.
7 And one is as powerful as the other, as everything comprises in one center. And who are you to say that this is good or bad, that this is light or dark, if not by your mere interpretation? When for one, the glass is half full, for the other, it is half empty, as a great example of all this.
8 FV—What is the difference between a glass half full and half empty?
9 CFKW—None. If one have the proper knowledge to understand that all this and all that is part of oneself in its opposite.
10 FV—Why is evil bad?
11 CFKW— It’s not bad. It is simply the opposite of understanding what is. The suffering of men and animal is simply a reflection of seeking to understand the opposite of all this.
12 When seeking to compare, and if you see it, what one looks for is to move to express inherent creation, better known as Yin and Yang, whose comparison is limited to the understanding by those minds that see the image and thus interpret it.
13 But the Yin and Yang was that understanding that is being brought here. And through language, interpretations are sought from everywhere. Seek to centralize that understanding. The Yin and Yang, the up and down, here and there.
14 Religion has been a tool to seek a balanced understanding of what is good and what is wrong. That is why it was defined as heaven, hell, God, and the Devil. It was all a fable, because all of that is abstract. You see?
15 The creation of fables were through thought, brought forth through visions and voices. And those many others who have helped us, those called ‘angels,’ are beings from other levels who have helped us create this fable so that we can understand the origin of all this and all that, but in essence none of this exists. And if you take it from very deep inside, the mind itself does not exist, therefore it ceases to be all this to become all that, on another plane of everything that is opposite.
16 And it’s not that it has to manifest itself. It is simply for one to be aware of the positive or negative thought, where the thought is all that exists.
17 Religions do not exist. Neither Saints, Spirits, God, nor the Devil. Everything has been an abstract that has been shaped so that it exists, but in truth, neither religion nor its gods exist.
18 FV—And what are all those spirits that converge with us that allegedly exist? What are they, where are they, and what are they like?
19 CFKW—They exist on other levels. Simply other levels, where they converge from time to time to teach that there is something beyond what all this is. They are simply messengers that, from time to time, remind us that there is something beyond all this. And they have converged with us for a long time.
20 Some good, others not so good—influencing in accordance with the human factor and the plane in which YOU are at the moment that they exist. And if they don’t appeal to you, don’t seek them. Those who do not seek and find them do so out of fear, and their fear feeds fear itself— that is how those beings from other planes express themselves—just as those who exist on this plane. You see? And some people can see them, and there are mediums who are no more than receivers to those other beings from other planes.
21 FV—So, what is the human spirit?
22 CFKW—The human spirit is a more developed soul dimensionally above the vegetable and animal worlds. The human spirit is that which has already gone through many paths and today is in rebellion or harmony. That human spirit is one among many roaming around seeking the meaning of all this, and today understands the “I am” as an infinitesimal understanding that all this is myself within all my ramifications.
23 And the pain and feelings of others keep on being a reflection of ‘myself’ in many other of ‘my’ facets —and that makes ‘me’ God. But God is none other than an interpretation of the total conglomerate of all this and everything where ‘my’ individuality is ‘my’ own reflection seeing ‘myself’ in all.
24 FV–Hard to understand, but I get it.
25 CFKW—Each one of us, individually, remains One. I am me, you are you. But the moment you say ‘I am me,’ then I cease to be me for you to become me.
26 And just like many others say ‘I,’ likewise all this is consumed in a giant cycle of capacity and rest, also called darkness and light, which are like the calendars that have put all these cycles in the hands of others so that they could read and understand that this is much more of the same, in different cycles. Just as there is light and darkness, the same is shown in Yin and Yang, see?
27 If I am me and you are you, the moment YOU say ‘I am me and you are you’ I lose my own identity, and the loss of identity moves forward. I am me, you are you. The more I identify with who I am, the more I feed my ego, and the more difficult it is for me to get out of all this and all that. That is why it has been said to let go of the ‘I’ because the ‘I’ is what ties us to wanting to be gods, which we already know that the concept is the individuality of the collectivity in which I am this and that.
28 And so there (we) are many gods. And so Jesus himself attempted to remind us. If we see that all we want to do is make our individuality to be noticed, it is because we see many rich and poor people. The poor want to be known as an individual being, drawing attention to his poverty, while those, in their eagerness for wealth, make themselves be known to feed their individuality and for others to appreciate their wealth.
29 And all those in the middle are undecided who understand that through poverty, their individuality could be recognized but at a very high price to pay. And likewise, they understand that the wealthy also have a high price to pay. And within the undecided, many are well-balanced for not wanting either this or that.
30 For the one who wants to stay in balance, falling into poverty or wealth seems difficult because, in wealth or poverty, neither one is good nor bad; they are two ways of expressing the desire to have individuality and to be recognized as such. You see?
31 One of the (earthly) requirements is to seek individuality and find oneself. And it is on this plane that one gets frustrated and enters into sin (err) when one seeks to recognize oneself as an individual at par with those others who, at a given moment, were thought to be better than oneself.
32 And while searching for balance, one can overdo oneself, go out of context, and enter into nominal sin (to err), thus being one’s own imbalance that (one) tries to endure and correct on one’s part.
33 You have to see it as a play because it’s already done. And as a play, one determines what is good and wrong. Being a play, look for what is works and doesn’t work. You see? If you are given to choose between watching two movie screens, one with moral content and the other with immoral content, so why choose the immoral content? Look for the good, since you were given a choice. That is life: As this has been a play, and this has already been created, seek to do your best. You see?
34 Look for the good and not the wrong. Seek the light and not the darkness. But if you like darkness instead of light, you have free will. There is nothing wrong with that. It becomes wrong when you afflict others in the process—when you inflict injury. You see? When other people are adversely affected, that’s when sin (err) is committed. And sin (err) is when you hurt others by your own acts—that is sin (err).
35 Clashing with others, entering into an imbalance, that is a sin (to err). You can conglomerate with people attracted to you, and many others who would listen to you, see? The process is voluntarily granted upon agreement. But when you come into conflict with other people because of your own attachments, by coming into conflict with those people, you unbalance the process. You see? Sin (err) is all that inflicts on other people. When you seek everything you want, be it good, bad, light, or dark, you can take it with you wherever you want, for as long as it does not affect others.
36 When you influence another in what’s good, you make that other person voluntarily enter your world and your understanding to take them through that process to where you want to take them. And many will follow you. But if one or the other stops following you, it is because voluntarily, there is no longer a reason to participate in your world. It is not right or wrong; it is simply a human being’s decision.
37 The same applies to the followers of the opposite, according to Yin and Yang, where they can look for darkness, fear, shadows, and many others will also follow until one day, when voluntarily, one of them no longer wants to belong to that world.
38 Therefore, anyone who follows what is good is no better than everyone who follows its opposite because neither good nor bad exists. Let’s call it light: There is the one who seeks the light and the one who seeks darkness.
39 Both paths are for them to decide, seeking attraction to the world that makes them fruitful and of their own. And for as long as you have others interested in your work, your understanding, and your insights, either good or bad, light or dark, they will seek their own world and their own balance.
40 For those who diverge enter into that pot called neutral, where it is not decided which direction to take, they do not move. And so they go into suffering because they don’t understand that all you have to do is move, one way or the other, and not inflict others.
41 Jesus was a great prophet—one of many such. And let’s say he was very wise and paid the price. But Jesus did fundamentally the same thing that many others have been doing: Bringing a world to humanity so that they understand where we all came from. And many have been reading from established scriptures, others have written new papers, others have written about their talents, and others have allowed their talents to be written about.
42 But all of what those others do and have done are the same things that Jesus once did: Take the message from the past and update it through sheer energy. Jesus took the teachings from old schools, Buddhism and Hinduism, already known at that time to help him understand all there is, as you understand now from these realms far above the understanding of many.
43 And Jesus, since he voluntarily wanted to carry the message, just as you are doing today, did not hold back and wanted to make a huge impact in a very short time. And since it was already seen coming that one would come, by people who understood that that moment was going to arrive, when a prophet would come to make a radical change to help the world not fall into an abyss, when the world in its cycle would reach a point where the season changes from light to dark, knowing that from time to time a volunteer would come wanting to rebalance all there is, let’s call them emissaries, he came like those who come to remind us from time to time all there is to know.
44 And so humanity has idolized him, just as the crowd idolized the artists and singers, giving them fame for some time, just as they do with performers and musicians, to set an example.
45 But all this dates from centuries and centuries, where you are only seeing an infinitesimal point of a cycle. And so, many others want to become prophets seeking to understand their own truth, as they profess.
46 But you have acquired an understanding where you can apply everything that exists piece by piece with your examples, anecdotes, and every experience you have lived. Analogies above all this, you also understand that you can carry the message, and that is how you have set forth. The good and bad, the Yin and the Yang, and so all this rebalances always seeking the truth. And the truth is only one, being in the center like Yin and Yang—that is the balance.
47 Cease to exist, no. Being able to fully appreciate both sides in their entirety while always returning to the center is the ultimate goal. Because being in the center and in balance, there is no movement. Therefore you can energize yourself from all there is— being in the center, where there is no movement, so you acquire the knowledge of everything that is and exists, good and bad. And at the center is where one understands where true peace in oneself is found: Where nothing sweeps you or moves you. Where you seek to focus not on pleasures but at the center where everything exists, and nothing moves you.
48 A great example is sex. When you appreciate the nature of sex, where there is no desire to express the senses, and see beauty but feel no attraction—neither attraction nor aversion to that something and just contemplate, then you will come into balance and understanding.
49 Let’s see a flower that is before you. You appreciate its presence—not its beauty, but its presence. You honor its presence and allow it to exist; that’s when you are neutral. The moment you see a flower and say, ‘Oh, how beautiful,’ you are in judgment and do not appreciate its presence for what it is but for what it represents to you. And if it means beauty to you, it is because you understand that its opposite is poverty (ugliness). See?
50 Therefore, you yourself create a range, a degree, a scale to that beauty according to your interpretation of what is beautiful and what is ugly. And the higher its beauty, the more judgment you take for its opposite, which is the ugly part that translates into poverty.
51 That’s where you judge: How cute, how ugly, Yin and Yang. And you understand that if you meet that ugly part, you enter into attraction or aversion. That’s when ugliness will disgust you; therefore, you must keep neutral. That is why it is said that the enlightened seek fire and not water. Because now, you want to look first at the ugly to seek neutrality in the ugly so that it stops being ugly and helps you create a balance. When looking for the light, the one who seeks it does not seek to turn it off so that it goes into neutral. You see?
52 That is why the light is sought. Because if you do not understand everything that seems bad or ugly as you should understand it, it leads you deeper into understanding what is bad and ugly. It is then (wrongly) understood that it is the real world in which one lives, and one lives pleased with all this and everything else. The light becomes hope for those who walk the wrong path, and if they change their path toward the light, they come out of all that is and exist for them.
53 Do you see how loaded and heavy all this is to understand? It is because all that has been given to you have been analogies. All this is abstract, and analogies must be sought. Through the analogy and understanding of each person, you can carry the message to them. All that I (CFKW) am still transmitting is still an analogy so you can understand the incomprehensible. See?
54 That is why it is said that with God everything is possible because no matter what thought you use and carry, it will always be an analogy to justify the existence of life itself in your individuality.
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