THIS TRANSCRIPT is a 5-minute read (reflections are timeless)
SUMMARY: Becoming spiritual does not mean living in a bubble where life is all good. Neither is letting karma unfold while looking the other way.
Living a spiritual life is about having the wisdom to know the difference between what can be done and what should not.
This is not an easy task, especially when we were taught differently about the true nature of our existence and helping others achieve our ultimate goal.
ACTION ITEM: To be read at the end of this Transcript.
TRANSCRIPT T-120114161554
1 By serving and helping people through service, is no other than your ability to help others change their thoughts or their way of thinking.
2 For the one with hunger, pain or suffering, when you help, you are breaking the pattern of negative thought from that person and you show them a way of thinking differently to what they are thinking.
3 By doing so you change their attunement, whichever it may be—because you don’t know what thought that particular person is having that is creating that ‘so-called’ negative process, or troublesome process in their lives.
4 If someone is in trouble and you help them out, you shift their mind. It’s not that you are going to rob them from ‘their-learning-process-of- understanding-how-things-are.’ Because if you do nothing, everyone will keep one though after the other in negative form.
5 You have to break the cycle. You have to help everyone, regardless! That helping process is needed to break the pattern—whatever it may be.
6 Service is no other than helping people change their thought! That’s all it is.
7 It could be as simple as helping someone in the simplest form, or taking someone to understand what life is about when you see them suffer in pain, agony, or someone with no money.
8 But there is also a conflict when someone lacks money, you give them money, they spend it and return to the old pattern. Is that helping? No.
9 You have to be wiser because there is a fine line as you cannot keep feeding a bad habit.
10 If someone needs money, don’t necessarily give them money. Rather, give them the tools to make money, so they can break the pattern. But giving it away in return of nothing from their efforts is worthless— You are feeding their ways.
11 You have to show them a better way. That is when your intellect comes in: To decipher what is and what is not the path of action that you should take with someone. But for that, you need to acquire the basic understanding of what helping others means.
12 For instance: Say someone is in a financial crisis. By giving them money to pay off their debts, you are not helping if they are going to pay their debt to later get into more debt. You have not helped them solve their problem: You have helped them find a way and an excuse to keep on with the same thought. That’s not the way to help.
13 The way to help is not by giving money but to help them understand, and if that person doesn’t understand suffering will take place.
14 (FV asks)—How do you break the suffering?
15 (CFKW) Help them understand the process. You see? If you see someone with mental anguish, for example, love issues, how do you help? Break the good and the bad news and show them how to let go. But you cannot do the bidding for them. They have to let go by themselves. Your help is to help them understand the process.
16 Let’s take now, for instance, the handicap who needs help doing something. You know the handicap cannot do this particular task by himself. By helping them they see what you did and by knowing you did it out of free will and from your heart, that will soften their heart.
17 And by softening their heart you help them understand the predicament they are into, and how to solve it. You see? That IS the helping hand. The one that is going to help them understand the process. That’s the way you help.
End of Transcript T-120114161554
This is Higher Truth from the Collective Forces of Knowledge and Wisdom as it’s been received, perceived and transcribed by Francisco Valentín
Truth is one…interpretations many—Transcript
Copyright © Francisco Valentín 2012 All Rights Reserved. This material may only be shared from this original website. This material may not be published, broadcasted, rewritten or redistributed in any other way without written approval by Francisco Valentin or his legal sucessor(s). Infringement of this copyright act will be enforced to the full extent of the law.
(1) Go back to last week’s email titled “An Invitation To Reflect,” go to the section ‘THING TO CONSIDER’ and put into practice the reflecting time needed to digest this message.
You may want to close your eyes and meditate, or sit and explore your surroundings in your secret or favorite place.
Some people prefer to reflect over a long hour walking trail while others prefer to sit, close their eyes, distance themselves from their physical senses and meditate.
Choose what best suits you—for now.
(2) Help me spread these words among your loved ones, relatives and friends. Simply say: “Look what I found on the internet—see if it makes sense to you.” That’s all I ask.
(3) And remember the last words from The First Transcript:
“We are one, and as you help me, you advance”—39First Transcript
Message: “Is not from what you learn but from what you put into practice what makes you advance”—Transcript.
If you happen to receive this message without first knowing what this is all about, please Click Here and I will re-direct you to my homepage. Don’t worry about missing this page. Just click the Transcript icon at the center tab in this webpage, and you will be back here again.
Thank you for sharing time with me.
—Francisco Valentin
Author and publisher of The Transcripts
Note: Transcripts and their abstracts have been written without formal editing. The beauty lies in the imperfection of its content, which keeps the integrity and original intent intact as the abstract is transcribed through the perceptive mind of the receiver. Editing its content may alter the original intent, thus, leading to misinterpretation. No third party shall interpret to others the true intent embedded in each *Transcript, for no one knows the original intent other than the original transcriber, Francisco Valentín.
*Any word(s) written in parenthesis “( )” means that the transcriber chose to clarify said preceding word, sentence or phrase by further explaining the true intent following said word. Example: vehicle (car)