Take Life As A Learning Process

TRANSCRIPT T111031091628 1 Take life as a learning process throughout your life. Take everything you do, everything you see, and everything from your surroundings as learning experiences—and learn from them. 2 Don’t get hung up in the learning process by setting...

Is It You Against Them?

  TRANSCRIPT T111207073603 1 You need to see in everyone the unfolding karma whenever they are angry at you or do you wrong. 2 Gift them with your peace so they can understand how they are erring by doing or seeing things the wrong way, not necessarily against...

Soul Arrangements—Are There Any?

TRANSCRIPT T111225100548 1 Love an honor everyone around you, for they have been the ones you needed to help you grow. There is no good or bad. They just became the means you needed to help you grow. 2 They have been the souls who have helped you reach, acquire, and...

A Bit of Good Advise On Relationships

TRANSCRIPT T111226112502 Your relationship with others affects the way you behave in your own reality. Be careful how much you either interpose or are attached to your own creation in relationship with others. That does interfere with your relationship with yourself,...

Why Was Religion, Science and Spirituality Created?

TRANSCRIPT TT120112174649 1 Each vision of life by means of religious, social, or spiritual reasons; all that creation are different ways by which the information comes through. 2 To understand who we are and what the true reality is, you have to go through all those...

The Talion Law

TRANSCRIPT T111227144014 1 The one once named Jesus came to eradicate the Talion Law known as: ‘An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.’ 2 Its eradication was, in essence, to bring forward the concept of Oneness understanding that what you do [or see]...