Could this Transcript be a reprimand to us all?

Transcript -T180818074818 1 As above, so below. 2 Everything that you see around you on earth is precisely the same thing that happens in the spirit world. 3 The only exception is that in the spirit world you have no physical boundaries. You can go as far as you may...

Herbivore vs Carnivore

Transcript excerpt-T180818074818 11 Let’s take for instance eating. At first, eating meat was good, so you were taught. But as you understand Higher Truth and understand that you shall not kill, you come to realize that you are encouraging the killing of those beings...

Life Is One, Experiences Many (Explained)

Transcript Life is One, experiences many—Transcript End of Transcript This is Higher Truth from the Collective Forces of Knowledge and Wisdom as it’s been received, perceived and transcribed by Francisco Valentín Truth is one…interpretations many—Transcript Copyright...

Never judge someone else’s level of understanding

Transcript excerpt-T121107132915 1 Lesson learned: Never judge someone else’s level of understanding because for them it is as hard as it was for you to understand new principles. 2 Take notice that when something is learned from the beginning it will be most likely...

Why should you read this Transcript page?

Why should you read this Transcript page?   The Transcripts bring forward the one concept that goes far beyond Hinduism, far beyond ancient tablets and even farther than the history of the gods. This one concept has been known for eons, and long forgotten by...

Without Theological Ties, this time around (explained)

Transcript: “..and the message comes forward without theological ties, this time around” End of Transcript This is Higher Truth from the Collective Forces of Knowledge and Wisdom as it’s been received, perceived and transcribed by Francisco Valentín Truth...